cialis generic store times;”>We are constrained to say again that if Leon Williams were not the CEO of BTC, discount viagra see the phone company in The Bahamas, doctor the government would have stepped in a long time ago to replace this telephone company as the agent of telecommunications in The Bahamas. Hubert Ingraham who as Prime Minister made the decision to sell at a fire sale price the Bahamas Telecommunications Corporation Ltd to Cable and Wireless, the present owners, made the worst decision of his Prime Ministership. The company is simply a lousy company. It is in the telecommunications business but does not seem to know what it is doing. Once again on Friday 13th February, the telephonic communications in The Bahamas collapsed. No phone calls got through, no data service, no text messaging and worse no explanation, just stony silence from a company that continues to rake in profits because it has a monopoly. This is coming in a country which depends on tourism and financial services both of which require communications with the outside world and within The Bahamas. If this does not improve however, Mr. Williams will not be able to save them . People cannot wait until the new company with the second licence comes on line. They don’t care about the details
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. They simply want a phone company that does what it says it will do. They want a phone company that knows how to run telephones and data service not a poor excuse for a company that cannot perform and is always trying to use slick public relations and community buyouts in order to get the public to remain quiet in the face of poor service. Lord help us!