The second jab 19 May 2021
Part 1:
The Bahamas is fast asleep with a Gold mine just beneath it ready to be extracted. It matters not the political party you favour. This Covid-19 pandemic is real, and is a killer. To save our most precious commodity, the lives of our people, the Bahamians should inoculate themselves through the “vaccines”. This pandemic is far from over. The countries that manage the spread through vaccination will be the ones who succeed, and reopen fully reaping the rewards in this new dispensation. Vaccinate!! Please do not play Russian roulette, or rolling the dice with your life. This is the only way for us to start mining the tourism gold that this country offers each and every citizen.
For The Good Of The Bahamas Vaccinate Please.
Part 2:
Yesterday, my wife, Kathleen and I took our 2nd Dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine at the Susan Wallace Centre here in Freeport and we are both doing well.
Vaccine hesitancy in the city of Freeport has reached a fever pitch pace. Receiving injections on a good day poses a problem for our people. When we throw into the mix, WhatsApp mis-information people, then, become easily persuaded not to take the vaccine.
The Bahamas is a democratic country and we have free will with limits. To reject the vaccine and science associated with Covid-19 and to hold fast to mythology could very well cost you your life. Covid-19 pandemic is far from being over around the world. Please, I entreat you not to roll the dice with your life. In Patriotic Love, I invite you to take the vaccine for your own good, and for the safety and security of your love ones. Given our small population, this pandemic can be behind us by the middle of summer. Think about it.
Brian Seymour