Brian Seymour writes from Grand Bahama
On May 7th, viagra buy medical 2012, cialis the people of the Bahamas demonstrated with the power of a pencil and a ballot paper that they had enough of Hubert Ingraham and the FNM’s arrogant style of government. When the exercise was completed on that faithful day; only the former Prime Minister and three of his former cabinet ministers had survived the wrath of the Bahamian people. On that night, the people of the Bahamas gave the PLP and its leader Perry Chrisitie a second chance, and by extension, a five-year mandate to manage and lead the government of the Bahamas until the second quarter of 2017.
The economy had tanked: it was bad and getting worse; people had lost faith in the FNM and their ability to manage. It was as if the people instinctively knew that Ingraham and his ministers did not possess the ability or capacity and know how to get us out of the myriad of problems which faced our country. His arrogant outburst and insulting tones were nothing more than a mask to cover up his shortcomings and limited abilities in the area of economics. Everything he tried seemed to have made things worst. The breaking point came with the selling of BTC coupled with an attitude that Bahamians need not apply approach. So the collective will of the electorate purged the FNM from the seat of power. The end result was the PLP won a landslide victory that gave them the super majority.
Ingraham’s reaction to the humiliating rejection came as no surprise. A text book lesson was given to the world on how a leader should not behave in the face of rejection. Instead of thanking the people for the privilege of leading them; he, instead, reacted without thought and showed his utter contempt for the people of this country whom he lead for twenty years. The FNM party that he had reshaped into his own image through a marriage of convenience where the two never became one. The second Prime Minister in an independent Bahamas demonstrated his contempt and did not appreciate a sense of history. His behavior on election night could be likened to a captain abandoning the ship without seeing to the safety of the passengers first; or, a shepherd abandoning his sheep. The Bible describes this characteristic as a hireling that flees when the sheep are under attack because the sheep does not belong to him. A good captain would have taken his battered ship into a safe harbor; or, in the case of the shepherd, he should have led his sheep into safe pastures. History will not be kind to Mr. Ingraham for his un-statesman like conduct
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When contrasted with the PLP’s 2007election defeat just after a five-year rule, a time that was marked by unparalleled economic growth, the people in their wisdom voted the PLP out of office. PLP leader, Perry Christie, though disappointed stood and faced the music. He further accepted the humiliating lesson and led his colleagues through what must have been a walk of shame. He took his strong medicine at the opening of Parliament, and again history will judge the quality of his leadership when a comparison is made of the two leaders.
Dr. Hubert Minnis for better or worse had leadership thrust upon him; though stumbling and awkward at times, and as a rookie leader, has found his feet as a leader after two years of leading the FNM. Only to be encircled by a pact of political hyenas who have now appeared from the safety of the political tall grass. These hyenas were nowhere to be found in the early days of May 2012 defeat. The do not appreciate that there can be one leader at a time, one king, one captain, one pope. They further do not appreciate that you do not attack your leader two years and six months away from an election date. The king has control of the party’s machine, and the party I believe, will not encourage disloyalty or indiscipline within the ranks.
Finally, the Deputy Leader of the FNM, Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner would have done well to remember the old saying, “Everything good to eat isn’t good to talk.” She has told the news media that she would like to be leader of the party. At every opportunity, she has sought to upstage and contradict her leader. On the last day of the budget debate, the Deputy Leader started a new campaign this time against Prime Minister Christie. While seated, she bellowed out across the floor of the House thirty-eight times calling him a liar. She was referring to the point made in the House that if her party had won the last election, the government would have introduced vat to raise revenue. She asserted that was not the case. Turner exposed the view of how dysfunctional the cabinet was where only high quality ministers were kept in the loop; and the lesser ministers were kept to make up the numbers. It was only when the Speaker stood to his feet that she was able to compose herself. That was a grave error in judgment on her part. As a student of history, she should know you fight one war at a time; and it is folly to fight with your party leader and the Prime Minister at the same time. It was another mistake to attack Leon Williams appointment of CEO of BTC. She described this appointment as a step in the wrong direction. It would appear that this anti-Bahamian theme continues with the Deputy Leader. The granddaughter of a patriot, she does not walk in the ways of her fathers that have gone on before her.
Darren Cash, the Chairman of the FNM, has also told the press that he would also be king. Cash would do well to learn the expression, “God save the king”. As chairman of a party, his duties are to protect the king for the good of the order. Until a convention is near, you defend your king. Finally, the mandate of the present government runs out in the second quarter of 2017, so as a young leader, pace yourself. FORWARD, UPWARD, ONWARD TOGETHER.
Brian Seymour