treat times;”>The definition of a disciplined force is the strict and precise observance of all policemen of the order and rules established by laws and the force.
The only thing that stands between law and order and by extension, buy an orderly society and the law of the jungle is our police force. So from time and memorial, the police force has always operated as a disciplined force
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. Another example of a disciplined order is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is headed by the Pope whose word is final. If a young man desires to become a priest, he knows upfront that he is unable to marry and is given to a life of celibacy. There is no debate that is the rule; that is how the Catholic Church has been so successful over these many years because of its order.
In recent weeks, the Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade has asked the police Staff Association to stop behaving as if they were “an in your face trade union.” For a time, it seemed to have worked until Friday, March 13th, 2015. Under the guise of Walk for Hope clad in green shirts, the police staff association and the leaders of the DNA marched on Bay Street. The President of the staff association then gave an interview with NB 12 News; and after the interview, it was clear that this walk for hope was nothing more than a cleverly orchestrated demonstration by the police staff association. With the aid and comfort of the DNA whose youthful lust for power knows no limits and to undermine the institutional command structure of the police force is wrong and the leadership should know better.
The President said in that interview that his members were ordered to a police meeting around the same time as the demonstration and that the order was unfair to the demonstrators. The question must be asked of the police: If you were ordered to a meeting, how were you able to demonstrate, or did you defy the orders of your superiors? What is the difference between taxi drivers blocking and obstructing traffic at Freeport harbor a week earlier and the police staff association blocking and disrupting traffic on Bay Street, the heart of the city’s center, on Friday morning? Right is right and wrong is wrong, even if it is the police staff association.
Minister responsible for the police, Dr. B.J. Nottage and Commissioner of police, Elliston Greenslade if defiance is not brought to heel, we are embarking on a slippery slope where chaos and rebellion will reign. It is patently clear that mischief is afoot and turning a blind eye in this instance will not suffice.
Brian Seymour