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On November 1st of last year, case the Immigration Minister, Fred Mitchell articulated enforcement of Immigration measures to bring under control the large numbers of undocumented immigrant population living amongst us. No government in the past twenty years has been willing to tackle this vexing problem until now. The Bahamian people for the most part have welcomed this initiative as long overdue. As expected, with any new initiative, you will have push back. There are those detractors outside of this country who would have us do nothing; and, turn a blind eye and allow the status quo to remain. Large numbers of undocumented workers living and working unimpeded until the country is overwhelmed by their sheer numbers, if left alone. This will not happen.
The second grouping inside our walls is a coalition of malcontents who will oppose any initiative perceived to be PLP because Perry Christie is Prime Minister and Leader of the PLP. As for Fred Mitchell, the Minister of Immigration, they see a self-assured and educated Negro, and that image frightens them. These detractors (haters) this grouping has never come to terms with the PLP Majority Rule Victory of January 10th, 1967. They would have us believe that our grouping is unable to govern ourselves after these many years. These haters, in the main, have amassed huge fortunes in the area of business and instead of celebrating our past they remain bitter. The sun has now begun to set on this grouping: Father time will finally settle this score of hatred and bitterness, and may God have mercy on these wretched souls. One morning they will arise and not remember what hatred is; or why, they were bitter, so father time will have its way with this grouping.
The final lot of detractors is the insidious, disloyal Bahamians, snakes in the grass. They have determined to derail this Immigration initiative and any other initiative that advances our beloved country. They live among us, they see nothing good about this country; they are the chronic complainers but they refuse to take their leave of us and go and live where the grass seems greener. BE GONE. No grouping, however, has opposed this initiative as vehemently as the RENT AN OPPOSITION CALLED THE GRAND BAHAMA RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. Their leader, Fred Smith has called this initiative “ethnic cleansing” he has likened it to “Auschwitz” the German Concentration Camp. He has asked the illegals to sue the government en masse in an attempt to overwhelm the court system. The question must be asked: “Does this man love these Isles of June?” Smith was the same person, many years ago, who led the charge against National Insurance and National Youth Service. He said at the time that National Insurance was an illegal tax, and for National Youth Service, Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling wanted his own army. The government pulled back on National Youth Service and today we are reaping a bitter harvest on the streets of this country. He was misguided then, and he is misguided now.
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. Smith and his human rights association have however, remained silent on the subject of human trafficking, a modern day form of slavery. Make no mistake, the over- crowded boat loads of illegals we see is a lucrative business which yields huge profits. We are informed that the fees to be smuggled into the Bahamas from Haiti ranges from $2,500.00 to $5,000.00 per person; when times by an average of 110persons per voyage, you see the magnitude of this business. The government through its initiative has unwittingly disrupted this lucrative criminal enterprise, not a word of protest about this diabolical trade from Mr. Fred Smith’s Human Rights grouping. They have lost their sense of purpose and their way.
The second amazing thing about the Human Rights grouping is when they remain silent on the report by Immigration Minister that as much as eleven souls were tossed overboard from a voyage that started in Haiti en route to Abaco in November 2014. The operators of that boat became judge, jury, and executioner of those souls made in the image and likeness of God. Not one word of protest, or outrage, was heard from Smith and his grouping; or, the Christian Council.
They have become like SALT who have lost its FLAVOR spoken of in Matthew 5:13.
Brian Seymour
Stalwart Councilor