Brent Symonette Worried About The Chinese Taking Over
best viagra cheap times;”>The poor Bahamians have one thing in common with their rich white former overlord Brent Symonette, buy viagra they are worried about foreigners taking over. Only there are two different kinds of foreigners they are worried about. The poor ones are worried about the Black Haitians taking over. The rich ones like Brent are concerned about the Chinese taking over. That is what he told the Nassau Guardian on Tuesday 28th October. It is hard to regard this by the polite word xenophobic so we use the word racist to describe it. Mr
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. Symonette wants to keep the land for the redevelopment of the waterfront to himself and his buddies. The Chinese who just bought the Hilton Hotel are being accused of taking over. The argument is that they are building the two billion dollar Bahamar, find buying the Hilton in the heart of the city and have a plan for the waterfront development. The country is being taken over by the Chinese. The poor ones, well they won’t work as a gas station attendant, live-in maid or caregiver, or work in the yard but Black ugly Haitians who smell bad ( if you don’t’ believe us see article from Trib in this week’s column), together with the biggity Jamaicans who are stealing all the Bahamian men or women depending on whether you are a man or a woman, the poor ones say are taking over. What a mess we are in: our foes press forth from every side. We think both groups are hallucinating.