Brent Symonette Climbs out from under his rock
The following statement was issued by Fred Mitchell MP, viagra sales remedy Minister of Foreign Affairs, in response to Brent Symonette former Deputy Prime Minister and former Foreign Minister accusing the present Minister of “grandstanding” because of the way he has dealt with the crisis on the alleged spying by the United States on Bahamian mobile phone calls.
8th July 2014
I once told Brent Symonette the former Deputy Prime Minister to climb back under the rock from which he came. I renew that call today. He has accused me in this morning’s Tribune of “grandstanding” because I am standing up for The Bahamas. Here we go again with this nastiness.
There is a difference between the policy of the FNM and the PLP when it comes to the defence of The Bahamas and our foreign policy. The FNM and its spokesmen only see the case of the other country, not the case for The Bahamas. The FNM ‘s foreign policy supports silence, stupidity, and obsequiousness and apologetic behavior. The PLP stands up for The Bahamas. One day the FNM will grow a spine and stand up for Bahamians.
Substantively on the matter of the NSA spying allegations, The Bahamas is doing its own work and what we do about it will have nothing to do with whether or not the Americans answer our reasonable request. The fact is a spokesman for an honourable country the United States Of America, made a promise to provide an explanation. Honourable countries are expected to do honourable things
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. Since the United States is an honourable country, I and Bahamians have every right to expect that the United States will in these circumstances do the honourable thing.