Brent! Is that you? Well it looks like Brent Symonette; talks like Brent Symonette; acts like Brent Symonette! By damn, buy viagra ambulance it is Brent Symonette. He is the former Deputy Prime Minister and son of the first Premier of the country Sir Roland Symonette, the bootlegger who became first minister. Here was his son, site whose wealth leaped from 7 million to 58 million in five years; who was the shareholder in companies that benefitted from government largesse while he was in office. Yes here he was sporting a goatee no less, sale pronouncing on faith and morals of all things. Mr
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. Symonette was warning Prime Minister Christie that the PLP’s demise was upon us because of the decision to change the law on gambling in the face of a referendum which said no last year. Bah humbug. Here is the math. 25 per cent of the electorate voted no in the referendum The others either stayed at home or voted yes. So the math suggests that the yes side for gambling is the silent majority. Mr. Symonette said that the last fellow who was in charge of the country got too cocky and ended losing the government. Interesting. The press reported it as an attack on current Prime Minister Perry Christie, but the real story is that it was an attack on Hubert Ingraham, who was Brent Symonette’s boss before the last election. Things that make you go hmmm! Brent Symonette’s remarks were originally reported in the Nassau Guardian on 9th September.