On Friday 5 November Philip Davis, the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, returned home after a week at the Conference of The Parties, version number 26 or COP 26, in Glasgow, Scotland. Once again the Prime Minister wowed the crowds including his local detractors. The statement made on behalf of the country was artful and well-crafted and hit all the right points and spots. Here is the issue. Climate Change is existential for The Bahamas. The advice is that 80 per cent of the land of The Bahamas is within 3 metres of the sea. That means if there is sea level rise which there is, and nothing is done abut global warming The Bahamas will not exist by the end of this century. The Prime Minister said to his hosts that if we are lucky, we will all be refugees. The speech’s words resonated with the public in Britain and around the world. And Bloomberg quoted an excerpt from the speech: “We cannot outrun your carbon emissions, we cannot outrun the hurricanes which are becoming more powerful and we cannot outrun our sea levels as our islands disappear.”