Kemsley Ferguson, the President of the Bahamas Public Service Union, had had enough. He had met with the Prime Minister because, the Minister for the Public Service Brensil Rolle could not give any answers on the financial matters. The Prime Minister asked him to forgo for six months the raise to base pay for public servants. He said in exchange, the Government would give the public servants 1200 dollars as a lump sum before the school year opened. The next day the Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister nixed the deal. Mr. Ferguson rightly asked the question: is the tail wagging the dog. He took the members out on a march to Bay Street. The workers about 500 of them shouted: “We want our money.” This is the scene then two years after these people were elected to office thinking that they were the saviours of the world. Could not have happened to a finer bunch. The Prime Minister agreed to meet with the union again on Saturday 24 August 2019 to have Edison Sumner, a consultant for the FNM, explain to the unions the state of the economy. Well as they say: talk is cheap, money buy land.