viagra usa pills times;”>Tribune photo of Kirk Bodie, sovaldi the musician known as KB

sovaldi times;”>We thought all the controversy was over on this question of who was going to play and who was not at the Junkanoo Carnival, but it appears that it is still very much alive. Kirk Bodie, the musician known as K B, has reversed himself and says that because there is a Trinidadian performing at in the Junkanoo Carnival, he will not perform. This is quite sad. But musician Obie Pindling gave this answer to The Tribune in his own words in answer to Mr. Bodie’s criticisms in The Tribune 10th April. Mr. Bodie said: ‘That’s our problem in (this) country; we have too much diversity. This country needs to be Bahamian. Let’s stop talkin’ stupidness ‘bout diversity’.”
Mr. Pindling said: “With the utmost respect to my friend, I find these comments most unfortunate and potentially harmful to our music industry.
“This means that we are asking for and hoping that these very same stations add Bahamian music to the regional diversity of the music they play.
“We live in a world now where social media and the Internet make news ‘instant’. KB’s comments on diversity can very easily be regarded as highly xenophobic, toxic and inflammatory – not only by Bahamians but also by numerous persons abroad, including our Caribbean brothers and sisters.
“This is not good…
“Every year, they (Trinidad) invite artists from all over the Caribbean to submit their songs as part of the International Soca Monarch competition. It is an undeniable fact that Trinidad welcomes regional artists with open arms and so do all the other islands…
“Mr. Bodie denying himself the possibility of impressing one of these (Soca) mega stars that may be interested in doing a studio collaboration with him.”