Black Tuesday Remembered

From the Office of the Chair of the Progressive Liberal Party
Remembering Black Tuesday on it’s 53rd Anniversary
For Immediate Release
27 April 2018
Today we ask all PLPs and people of goodwill to remember the day known in our history as Black Tuesday.
It was the day when the PLP in 1965 led a mass demonstration against plans by the then United Bahamian Party minority government to gerrymander the constituency boundaries. On that day 27 April 1965 history records Sir Lynden Pindling, leader of the PLP, throwing the Speaker’s Mace out of the window of the House of Assembly, saying that as the symbol of authority it should properly be with the people gathered in the square below.
The day’s historic event ultimately led to the election of the PLP as the first majority rule government in the history of our country on 10 January 1967.
Let’s remember all those heroines and heroes who demonstrated for our freedom on that day.