Bishop Neil Ellis is the spiritual leader of the Mt. Tabor Full Baptist Church in Nassau. But he is more than that. He is thought to be the religious power behind the throne of PLP Leader Perry Christie. Early in the campaign, cialis sales advice Bishop Ellis publicly backed Mr. Christie. To his credit, viagra sales he took considerable risks in doing so. It is a tradition of Baptists preachers to be forthright on political matters. But near the end of the campaign he went further and was quoted in the press of The Bahamas as giving the members of his church an ultimatum that they must support the PLP or they could go
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. Now one must consider who reported the story and take that with some caution. You guessed it: The Tribune! If those were not the words of Bishop Ellis that is the effect.
No comment came from Bishop Ellis when the howls of protests began, nurse that The Bahamas is a secular state and about the appropriateness of making that commentary from the pulpit. No politician would dare make the criticism, sickness even though there is increasing grumbling from various sources that The Bahamas is not a theocracy but a secular state. Into the fray jumped some of the ministers of religion.
First there was an unconfirmed report that Rev. T.G. Morrison of the Zion Baptist Union objected. He reportedly made an address that received no publicity but which questioned the propriety of a preacher making such an intervention. But Pastor Cedric Moss, who is FNM oriented and the son of former FNM candidate for Crooked Island Paul Moss, was even more forthcoming. At first there was a story in The Tribune about his remarks. But Pastor Moss wrote another letter to the press. He was incensed by the use of the first letter. See the next story.