Thursday 27 April 2023 ( click here for the narrative—Editor)
The District Grand Lodge of the Bahamas represented by its RWDGM Anthony U Bostwick, PDGM Arthur R Chase, Bro. Gustavas Ferguson, Bro. Byron Rolle, Bro. Deon Gibson, and visiting Brother Everette Griffin journeyed to Bermuda and participated in the annual Masonic Peppercorn Festival.
One of the highlights was when RWDGM in his Masonic response at The “Composite” Lodge Meeting held the day before the Festival, bought to the attention of the Brethren assembled that evening, and the following day also bought to the attention of many Bermudans and visitors the historical significance, and relationship of the Bahamas and Bermuda that dates back as far as the late 1640’s where he enlightened Brethren on
The Eleutheran Adventurers, who were a group of English Puritans and religious independents who left Bermuda to settle on the island of Eleuthera in The Bahamas in 1649.
It is historically documented that The First Settlement of such characteristics in The Bahamas by foreign travelers were English Puritans known as “Eleutheran Adventurers” in search of religious freedom. Instead, they found many challenges and food shortages. Captain William Sayle sailed to the American colonies for help and received supplies from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Upon his return, the settlers thanked them by shipping them brasileto wood.
The proceeds helped purchase land for what later become Harvard University.
Many were amazed that they never knew or heard of the historical relationship and thanked him for the enlightening and informative educational discussion.
RWDGM Bostwick and his Deputation participated in the traditional Peppercorn Ceremony which was a wonderful traditional colonial celebration put on display.
Brethren enjoyed lunch and they visited numerous restaurants and bars before retiring for the evening.
RWDGM and Brethren are scheduled to be hosted to dinner by Brother Allan Richardson, The Provincial Grand Master of Bermuda, Irish Constitution.