Sometime after 3 p m on Friday 13th March, buy viagra see the island of New Providence was without power, island wide. The blackout lasted until well after ten p m that evening. It continues sporadically today. The Bahamas Electricity Corporation as usual was missing in action with no one to say what happened and what the problem was and how long it would be. A young PLP happened to be visiting a bar later that night and when people saw him he started railing at the incompetence of BEC. He said that he had to do that before they started cussing the Government. The point we make here is how much longer is it going to take before we, the collective political we, take to get this Corporation off our hands and make it into an entity that will perform the job it is supposed to perform? It may seem judicious to us (the bit about choosing a company wisely as a substitute) but it comes off as dithering. The result is that the PLP suffers because right now everyone blames the government for everything, even though in this case we understand it is simply BEC’s incompetence and lack of attention to maintenance details. It was a good thing this happened in the late winter when the air is relatively cool in The Bahamas, otherwise the politics of it would have been disastrous. Some areas in the west of the island were not restored until early Saturday morning. On Paradise Island, the Royal Towers of Atlantis was without power because its back generators failed. It meant a cost to Atlantis to make amends to their guests
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. On Saturday 14th March, there were long power cuts again. To add insult to injury of course was the fact that you could hardly get anyone on the phone or hear what they were saying by mobile phone because of the lousy phone service and some cell sites were affected by the power cuts. So here we were then Friday 13th March, a perfect storm of bad luck. We are in the modern era supposedly and there is no power and no phone service.