We have reached that point in the term of office where when anything goes wrong, it’s the PLP’s fault. If your wife speaks to you badly these days, the husband is likely to say it’s the PLP’s fault. Perry Christie found himself in an absolute mess when he failed to recognize the signs that the fix was in when he called the election in 2007. The PLP lost to its surprise. He did it again in 2017. Missed the signs and it cost him his primeministership. This time the PLP came to office with that in mind, and also with the background that if there is also that silent internecine fighting that plagued the PLP in 2017, you simply cannot survive. The PLP went down in flames. The signs are all around us of a public that is totally transactional. The grand themes don’t count, neither does patriotism or affection for ideas. It is all about what have you done for me lately. We go no further as we hear the rumbling, than to say be careful because the messages from the other side can if not taken seriously infect our own brains and lead to doom.