Bahamians Defend Bill Cosby
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viagra viagra sale times;”>Well how does The Bahamas always happen to get up in these things. Just as Bill Cosby, the avuncular African American TV figure was making a comeback, old allegations now said to have from 16 women say that he used drugs to soften their resolve and when they woke up they had been sexed by him. He refuses to comment. His lawyers say all the allegations are old and discredited save for one they settled. The Bahamas is in it because on Thursday 20th November Bill Cosby put on a show for a women’s group Links in The Bahamas at the Atlantis Theatre. There was a stringer there for Associated Press and Fox News and they spoke to Minister of State Khaalis Rolle who defended the show going on seven in the midst of controversy, saying that it was for a worthy cause. Similarly, Alfred Sears, the former Attorney General, speaking to the same reporter said that a man is innocent until proven guilty.