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The principals of The Bahamas – European Union bilateral talks held on Thursday, buy viagra discount 23rd October 2014 during Diplomatic Week in Nassau, tadalafil Bahamas are pictured. They are all ambassadors to The Bahamas. From left are H.E. David Fritton, search High Commissioner of the United Kingdom; H.E. Joachim Christoph Schmillen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany; H.E. Paola Amadei, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Jamaica, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and the Cayman Islands; Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Fred Mitchell; Philip Miller, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration; H.E. Dr. Ray Bassett, Ambassador of Ireland; H.E. Claes Hammer, Ambassador of Sweden and H.E. Philippe Casenave, Ambassador of France
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On 25th October, as part of The Bahamas Diplomatic Week, the Government of The Bahamas and the European Union held their first ever Cotonou Agreement Article 8 dialogue. The talks were led by the Honourable Frederick A. Mitchell, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration for The Bahamas, and Ambassador Paola Amadei, Head of the European Union Delegation to The Bahamas.
The talks covered a wide range of topics including discussions on the future of ACP-EU relations and the ongoing implementation of the Joint Caribbean-EU Partnership Strategy which was established in 2012. Both sides welcomed the opportunity to also discuss pressing global issues including climate change, crime and security, migration, and human rights.
Minister Mitchell welcomed the European delegation comprising also all non-resident Ambassadors attending Diplomatic Week – France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom – and conveyed The Bahamas’ privilege and honour to be hosting this inaugural meeting. He noted that The Bahamas’ relationship with the European Union is a high priority for the country. The two parties are bound by a history of mutual cooperation in the areas of good governance, sustainable development, trade and finance, among others, as reflected in regional initiatives established through the longstanding Cotonou Agreement, the EU-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement and the Joint Caribbean EU Partnership Strategy. This first dialogue represents a positive step in further developing these relations.
Ambassador Amadei described the talks as very productive and said that the dialogue, which will now be held every year, will serve to underpin the EU-Bahamas relationship going forward and will provide a platform from which both parties can forge an even closer partnership to help address the bilateral, regional, and global challenges we all face.