Bahamasair Strands The Leader Of The Opposition in Ft. Lauderdale

One of the passengers inconvenienced by Bahamasair on the weekend of rolling problems for the airline was Philip Davis, the Leader of the Opposition. Mr. Davis was supposed to have taken a day trip to Ft. Lauderdale for the funeral of a family member: going out first thing Friday 21 December and returning that evening. Turns out that all flights of Bahamasair were cancelled for Friday night out of Ft. Lauderdale. He was put on the next flight first thing in the morning. That flight was supposed to leave at 8:30 a.m. No such luck. Bahamasair got a wet leased plane to pick up its passengers. The plane was in place for the flight with the pilots and flight attendants. No one could quite figure out why the flight was not being boarded. Turns out that the airline did not tell the passengers from the flight the night before that they had a plane which would take them all the morning flight and their flight together. They had 160 seats available on the wet leased aircraft. The flight boarded at 11. Then they proceeded to sit on the runway in Ft Lauderdale for two hours, taking off shortly after one p.m. and landing in Nassau shortly after two. The week before Senator Fred Mitchell had to cancel his trip to Abaco because Bahamasair was unable to get him to Abaco as scheduled. That same weekend Chester Cooper MP for Exuma and the Deputy Leader of the PLP could not get back to Nassau on Saturday 15 December because the airline could to say when the flight to Nassau would leave. It did eventually leave at midnight. So, if you have time to spare fly Bahamasair.