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Last Week, generic cialis treat we wrote extensively on the state of Bahamasair, calling for the government to act as the airline was becoming unreliable and was in danger of ruining its reputation on safety. This week the situation has gotten worse, rx with three planes reportedly out of service on Friday 1st August. There was no response at all to the essay and it appears that there is no response to the muted cries of those how use the service to get from one island to the next. We are gonna fool around and fool around until one of those planes God forbid drops out of the sky then we will be in church crying tears about how sad we are. Please let us fix this problem. We also report that on Friday 1st August, it appears that Sky Bahamas took on more than it could chew and they were running late trying to meet the demand of flights to the islands for the public holiday. Is there sufficient monitoring of these private airlines by the government in terms of safety and consumer satisfaction? There was one raucous row at the airport when after four hours of delay; the airline was not supplying food vouchers to angry passengers.