cialis buy ed times;”>Up at the very top of the PLP, tadalafil the feeling is that Sarkis Ismerlian and his crew who run Bahamar don’t give a heck about the PLP, its leadership, the government and by extension the people of The Bahamas. The Bahamar crew have got to be most bloody minded crew we have seen as investors in this country or they are simply obtuse. How the heck do you in the middle of a recession in The Bahamas; you’re being late with the opening of the hotel; go and lay off 200 people without so much as a bye your leave to the government. To put it mildly, we think the government should be cheezed off.
Question is what the heck do you do about it? The feeling is not much. It appears that the Bahamar folk have the government by the short and curlies. It appears that the heads of agreement while mandating certain specific actions like no layoffs while the project is being built has no teeth or penalties to enforce what it mandates.
Well that is a lesson for another time.
In the meantime, the Hotel Union, which is considerably weak anyway because of weak leadership and schisms, is saying that they will not let it go by without their leave and they are planning a court action
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. The labour laws are generally weak anyway so there is not much promise in that.
What disturbs us is that all around there are examples of people who think that the PLP is simply a soft touch that you can do anything without consequences. You have Andre Rollins and Renward Wells, during the week you had the Haitian Ambassador intervening and telling us we are unchristian because we are enforcing the immigration laws; who can forget the electricity company up in Grand Bahama cutting off the public schools and parks in the face of a government guarantee; now you have the Bahamar crew just firing 200 people and in effect saying if you don’t like it lump it. This is an interesting country indeed.
So there was an emergency meeting at the Office of Prime Minster late Friday 7th November. That meeting was adjourned without resolution and is to resume on Tuesday 11th November, Armistice Day. Well maybe that is an open, a portent that there will be peace in the country on Tuesday.
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 8th November 2014 up to midnight:598,431;
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