cialis cialis times;”>(since this story was written, generic cialis recipe we learned that sadly Mr. Tynes died last evening. H ewas 47 years old.)
11/16/14 9 AM
Hal Tynes, a well-known attorney at law in Freeport and the nephew of Harvey Tynes QC is seriously ill in hospital in Freeport. He appears to have suffered an attack which has left him in the ICU of the hospital. He is surrounded by family and friends including his mother and uncle. His cousin, the star of Gippie’s Kingdom, Chigoze Ijeoma posted this note on Facebook:
Thanks To All Family And Friends That Have Held Hal O Tynes in your thoughts and prayers. Prayer Is a powerful tool, we have seen his condition improve somewhat. He is fighting and that is encouraging
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. There are small signs of improvement and for that we are grateful. Please continue to pray for him as we will be praying. For all the kind words of encouragement extended to our family during this difficult time we thank you and love you all. In the photo below Mr. Tynes is seen in the foreground at the far left.