At Reno Brown Memorial
viagra sales cure times;”>Prime Minister Perry Christie paid tribute to the late Reno Brown for his contribution to the PLP and to the nation as a Banker and public official at a special memorial service held at the Party’s headquarters on Saturday 17th January. Mr. Brown served as a Chairman of the Licensing Authority and of BTC, capsule the phone company. A bit of stir at the headquarters when former Chair of the PLP and now FNM supporter Andrew “ Dud” Maynard showed up to give a tribute to Mr
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. Brown but ended up castigating the PLP in its own House, the house he helped to build. One of the sore points is his establishment the Corner Motel is on the sales block. He blames the PLP for that. The PLP of course has nothing to do with managing the facility. The photos for history were taken with the present Chair Bradley Roberts and Mr. Maynard by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services.