The Grand Bahama Port Authority and the Grand Bahama Utilities Company the water provider in Freeport Grand Bahama and much of the rest of Grand Bahama ought to be ashamed of themselves. Since Hurricane Dorian in 2019, the people of Grand Bahama have been showering, bathing and sometimes drinking salt water. The Port group said that the water fields had been contaminated by salt water incursion following the storm but usually it corrects itself after a while That while has been now 18 months and counting. It has not improved. The water is as salty as ever. The Port has been stenching to invest the money to put in a reverse osmosis plant. That is how water is supplied to every other island in the country. They finally announced last week at long last that they are going to cough up the 6 million dollars to put a plant in. Maybe they will give a credit to the Grand Bahama consumers who have been paying for salty water for the last 18 months.