The pundits are curious about how it is that whenever the Bahamas Christian Council takes a decision, they go one way and the Roman Catholics and the Anglicans seem to go another. The chat is that the Romans don’t participate at all in the Bahamas Christian Council. The Anglicans do but they proceed to go their own way. Recently, the Bahamas Government decided to bury the victims of hurricane Dorian who the Government insist have not been identified. The families protested the act. There were scenes of protest at the funerals held for the 55 unidentified on Friday 22 May 2020. Visibly present were two Archdeacons of the Anglican Church. In another instance, the Government announced that it was lifting restrictions on church services to allow church services from cars on New Providence and banning communion. The country expected the Roman Bishop to say that the government should not be telling the church what to do with their worships services. Instead the country got a letter from the Bishop saying that there will be spiritual communion only, ducking the whole issue of government interference in church affairs. The Anglican Bishop took the same line, not defending he church’s integrity but saying instead no communion for now and no actual services only virtual.