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viagra usa buy cialis times;”>Words cannot express how much I appreciate my family, online friends, and amazing fans for your support during this difficult time in my life.
Although my career often calls for me to be in the eye of the public, those who know me know that I am a very private person and much more of an introvert than you may assume. My career has been a way to get out of my shell and to help me express my thoughts when it would be harder otherwise. Even saying all of this, I don’t expect everyone to understand how hard experiencing such public exploitation is for a person like me. But believe me when I say..
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. it’s hard. This is something that has kept me shut in my room for countless hours… crying until I cannot cry anymore, over-thinking myself to sleep.
My heart is still heavy, but I take this as a lesson in life. I know who stands by me. I know who is here for me. I’ve learned a great deal about trust and my eyes are way more open to the world that I live in. But this is not something that will keep me down or stop me on the path I have paved for myself in this life. I am not afraid to say that I am beyond the negativity and the bashing. I am not afraid to say that I am deciding to keep my head up and move forward one step at a time as I always have. This experience has strengthened me.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that has reached out to me to encourage and inspire me. I may not have been able to reply to all of your messages, but I am so grateful to you, each of you. I’ve read so many heartfelt stories the past few days that I feel motivated to help others who have been victims of cyber-bullying. This situation is not okay, but I will be okay. I won’t allow this to distract me from my dreams. The ability to share my passion for music is a blessing! I will never give up on you guys or myself. Not now, not ever