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We wanted to share with you this week the sentiments of Andre Rollins, the rogue PLP MP, who is having a great time in the press with the headlines which alas are ephemeral but nevertheless they give a great high while they are going on. People are seeking to track what his future will be in politics and in the short term in the PLP. Mr. Rollins himself no deep freeze was all over the radio stations last week doing the rounds enjoying his notoriety some more. He said the words which we print below part of which is that he thinks that Perry Christie wants him out of the PLP. Seemed like he was saying it was all Perry’s fault. The plain fact is of course that if Perry Christie wanted him out of the PLP he would be out of the PLP. So Mr. Rollins finds himself exactly where he wants to be. Secondly though Mr. Rollins is being compared to another enfant terrible of another age that of Fred Mitchell, the now Fox Hill MP, who was the classical iconoclast in his younger years, we wonder if the comparison is not too superficial. Some knowing the original progenitor of this column was Fred Mitchell thought it odd and said so last week that the column is not more sympathetic to what Mr. Rollins is seeking to do. Sympathetic we are. However we are trying to figure out what we are being sympathetic to. A more apt word is puzzled on how someone can turn on their friends without so much as a by your leave. Political actions should have some pretext which the public can understand, and it should not come off as petulance and headline seeking. Nevertheless, people have adopted the analogy with Mr. Mitchell’s career. If that is indeed what this is then God bless him. Others have suggested he is another Christie and Ingraham in the making. Both fired and ousted from the PLP when they fell out with Lynden Pindling and both ended up being Prime Ministers. Again if that is what he is after God bless him. It’s difficult to see it now. However as we have always said , politics is not prescriptive. You have to live and discover it for yourself. They also say that one of the reasons that you recruit 18 year olds into the army is because they believe they can duck bullets. As for politics being a business where falling out takes place. Be reminded that prior to 1967 George Thompson the late MP for Eleuthera was a UBP general. He fell out with the United Bahamian Party government when they refused to give him a nomination for Eleuthera and instead gave it to the man for whom he had been the general George Baker. He left the UBP and went to the PLP. He ran in 1967 and won. But three years later, the PLP and he had a falling out and he started the Free PLP which eventually joined up to the UBP and formed the FNM. So that may be another apt analogy for Andre Rollins who came into the PLP from the now defunct NDP ( National Democratic Party) and won an election but now as he approaches the three year mark he is apparently setting out on his own. Whether it is to a sunrise or a sunset we will wait with bated breath.
Here is what Mr. Rollins had to say in his own words own words as published in The Nassau Guardian on 17th September from his appearance on radio on 16th September:
“I believe with 100 per cent certainty that Mr
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. Christie wants me to no longer be a part of the Progressive Liberal Party.
“ And I believe that Mr. Christie is trying to subtly influence those who support him with the PLP Council He is trying to subtly influence those who are long-time, hard core supporters of the PLP to the effect that “ I am no longer supportive of Rollins. I made a mistake recommending him and creating the opportunity for him to be the party’s standard bearer in the election and I expect you in turn, to no longer welcome him, as I no longer welcome him.”
Late word on Saturday 20th September that party Chair Bradley Roberts says that Mr. Rollins has burned his goodwill with the party and is expected to be dealt with by the National General Council.