Last week there was lot of angst in the PLP about Andre Rollins, viagra sales medical the errant MP from Ft. Charlotte, generic viagra about what he intended to do and why he did what he did when he launched into a bitter and vituperative attack against the leader of his own party in public in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 20th August. Now the fog has cleared somewhat and the conspiracy theorists have to look in another direction. First thing is it seems that this is just a question of his personality. He likes being the centre of attention and loves a good row. He himself denied that he intends to the leave the PLP or that he was having talks with any other party. But then that’s what Branville McCartney said when he first left the Cabinet under Hubert Ingraham
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. Eventually he broke away and formed his own party. Mr. Rollins was unrepentant. He said that his dismissal from the job of Gaming Board Chair was a political stunt, see so much for the Deputy Prime Minister’s actions. It looks like his attitude is if I feel like doing it, I will do it again. So look for more from that quarter. He is a free man now and the Cabinet or executive restrictions no longer apply to him. Leslie Miller, discount the MP for Tall Pines, who himself was thought to be about to be dismissed and is now still Chair of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, provided cover for Mr. Rollins, saying essentially to leave the kid alone. As for Mr. Rollins, we think he is enjoying the notoriety, being the centre of attention. All eyes on him, everyone wants to speak to him, plead with him. Tantrum worked like a dream. The thing is he is like a fellow who knows his father well. He can be the enfant terrible anytime he wants because he knows at the end of the day, tantrum or not, his father aint gonna do a blessed thing to him but say don’t do that again.