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viagra sale times;”>Let’s face it, the flavour of the month in politics is Andre Rollins, the PLP MP for Ft. Charlotte. You gotta give it to him, he’s got a lotta balls. First he gets up in the House of Assembly and tells the leader of the PLP who rescued him from a life of obscurity into the ,marvelous light of the PLP and made him a force to be reckoned with, that he needs to go, that the PLP will lose the next election if it doesn’t change and that he is sick of hearing scripture quoted by him. And if that wasn’t enough, he got up next time and said that he was voting against the gaming bills and he did so. Then last week the coup de grace, he said he would spill the beans on everyone in the PLP if they fire Renward Wells.
Well that just about had everyone in the PLP fit to be tied.
The PLP Chair Bradley Roberts immediately fired back, essentially telling Mr. Rollins all about his ass and telling him if he knows anything then put up or shut up. Next day old Andre the Brave said “Uncle”. His statement published below said well he didn’t quite mean it that way.
All of it is good entertainment and you have to chuckle. The old folk don’t like it all. The younger ones well they are bemused and side with their elders but secretly admire the chutzpah. Don’t you just love this. You could have paid fifty dollars for these seats and you get to watch it for free.
In the culture of today, the grand old party of The Bahamas summoned Andre the Brave to the Council meeting for a stern talking to. They asked him to account for himself. What in other words did he have to say for his behavior.?
He said: well in a word nothing. In a longer sentence, you can go stick it
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. If you feel you were offended well okay I apologize but essentially you get the picture, he didn’t give a tinker’s dam. The picture shows him at the podium. Not one who is afraid. He walked outside and well the crowds and the press were gathered there. He said he had nothing to say. But Mr. Rollins is like a volcano and when he sees the headlines about how he sort of ate humble pie, he has the kind of mind that will get pissed off again and fire yet another bromide by way of the PLP.
So where are we now in a formal sense.
He is still an MP. He is still a PLP MP . His branch has disowned him but they can’t make him resign so he has got three years that he can torment them if he wishes. In the meantime, he probably thinks that he can tap into popular rhetoric by the “ young people” and ride his way into an FNM nomination. One but, and that is that Loretta Butler Turner, Deputy Leader of the FNM accused him of being unprincipled for trying to blackmail the government with his knowledge and she thinks he can’t be trusted. So it doesn’t look like a safe harbour there but never mind politics makes strange bedfellows. The FNM is absolutely unprincipled when it comes to winning elections. After all it was a preacher who said “principle don’t put bread on the table.”
Uh oh!
So there you have it. The man he was defending Renward Wells MP had nary a word to say in his own defence save and except the press are now saying that the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister want Mr. Wells to speak up to the public on TV and explain his behavior to them.
Well get the popcorn, grab a Pepsi. This looks like it’s gonna be interesting.
( Editor’s Note: Photo shows Andre Rollins PLP contemporaneously as he appeared before the PLP’s Council, facing disciplinary action on Thursday 25th September. A formal disciplinary committee has been formed made up of Robyn Lynes, attorney; Valentine Grimes, Chair and former Ft. Charlotte MP; D’Asante Beneby, former Chair of the Progressive Young Liberals and Tom Basden, businessman and Stalwart Councillor. A week in politics is a long time. So never mind all this kerfuffle, is not inconceivable that by year’s end Mr. Rollins could once again be the darling of the PLP. He has gotten all the attention he wants. The Committee has two young people in the two women but PLP seniors and hardliners in Mr. Grimes and Mr. Basden.)