Well Andre Rollins MP, viagra sales purchase the enfant terrible, generic cialis has people guessing again. This time a few weeks after his inexplicable explosion against the leader of his own party, view he has publicly attacked the policy of the government on gaming. This coming from the man who was Chairman of the Gaming Board just a few weeks ago and must have been privy to what was developing. He now denies that he had any involvement in the new policy. Mr. Rollins said that the policy amounted to apartheid in The Bahamas on gaming where Bahamians cannot in their own country do what foreigners can do. He also said that the new laws which will regulate the web shops in The Bahamas would lead to corruption. That last remark has the web shop boys shaking their heads in disbelief. They considered him a friend up to that point, check and thought they knew him well and had supported him. Anyway, it is what it is. The Leader of the PLP Perry Christie commenting on the histrionics the week before said that he had work to do and was about that work rather than on Mr. Rollins comments. We think the PLP has the votes, so let the PLP pass the bills and be done
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