Political allies with Bernard Nottage, Senator Fred Mitchell and Brian Seymour, Freeport Businessman, at the funeral of Dr. Nottage 14 July.
Now that our dear and beloved brother Bernard Nottage is gone and rests in peace, it is time to reflect on the manner in which the funeral arrangements were handled by the Free National Movement. They are a nasty, vile bunch with no heart and without a care for the human emotions and the nature of what is national and what is political. With them everything is political. So they turned the Bernard Nottage Funeral into a spectacle but not the kind you would have expected of a beloved national figure who had given so much to the country which these worthless FNM Ministers now enjoy. First, there was this debate over whether the funeral was official or state. For our purposes it matters not. No one noticed the difference we are sure except the TV coverage was provided as an add on. The point we make though is that when the FNM pleaded the rules about what should or could be provided, they were being disingenuous if not downright dishonest. They know that the Cabinet can change the rules it sets. So if they wanted to give the man a full state funeral, they could have. They didn’t want to do it. Then they go and effect the arrest of former PLP Minister Ken Dorsett, a matter which was not of any urgency at all in the middle of the arrangements for the funeral so that it could suck the oxygen out of the atmosphere and ruin the whole thing for the family at a time when the focus should have been on this man’s contribution. Again we say, may all these wicked FNMs rot in hell.