The press and the FNM have now gotten their pound of flesh. All week long, the past week, they have been filling the pages of the mainstream press with invective, speculation, gossip, and innuendo about a Member of Parliament who supposedly raped his girlfriend. The girlfriend has not been identified. They have not, even though Eyewitness News allowed her to go on television with her face hidden making the most outrageous accusations. We have not heard from the supposed MP who did these alleged nasty things.
The problem is what does such a person say. Whatever he says then identifies himself and he is sunk. You are stuck with arguing a negative.
We do not believe any MP of the PLP did any such thing. What we believe is that a relationship ended and we are witnessing the most open and shocking shakedown artistry in recent times. This is about money and nothing else.
The police unfortunately were complicit in this whole thing. On Thursday past, the police issued a statement saying that Kirk Cornish, the MP for North Abaco, was in police custody, having turned himself in.
Turned himself in for what. The press then put two and two together and came up with five. This must be the MP about whom all those nasty things were being said.
This is prejudicial. It is wrong.
The PLP’s position was the right one from the start If there were a complaint let the police carry out their investigations. Instead, we had a trial by newspaper and a trial by FNM ideologues. The FNM women weighing in and the Leader of the Opposition jumped in with both feet. Now Mr. Cornish is stuck with arguing a negative.
Again, we say we do not believe any PLP MP did any such thing. The facts we think will bear this out. But in this lynching atmosphere of trial by social media who knows what will happen before the truth will out.
Meanwhile the person who has been raped is the Member of Parliament.
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