An FNM Comedy In Abaco
It was the Bahamas Press website that first broke the story of the party held by Loretta Butler Turner in North Abaco to which she invited everyone except the Leader of the Party Dr. Hubert Minnis. He showed up even though he was not invited said Bahamas Press with his wife in tow. They said bedlam ensued with lots of embarrassed faces and some of Mrs
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. Butler Turner’s people trying to keep him out. Mrs. Butler Turner issued a statement to the press saying that well some of it was true others of it were not true. Yes she had a party to canvas support for being leader of the FNM. Yes she invited the former Leader Hubert Ingraham( he was a no show) but he sent his man Chubbie. No the present Leader was not invited. After all it was her function. But no he was not turned away, generic viagra look he was greeted warmly, she said. Things that make you go hmmmm!