There was a letter to the editor in The Tribune signed under a nom de plume Da Fox Hill Man. This is a bit of unworthy mischief. The nub of what the letter writer has to say is that the one who is to blame for the financial defaults of the Government is the Financial Secretary Simon Wilson, and the letter writer says, he will be the cause of losing the government of Mr. Davis in the next election if he is not restrained in countermanding government’s policies. We deplore letters that are written under nom de plumes. It comes off as an act of cowardice and undermines any thoughts which the letter writer portrays. But what we must all be careful of is at least this: if the writer is a PLP source, however well-meaning, doesn’t it in fact cause more damage by these actions which come off as subterfuge? The man was abused by the FNM and brought back by the PLP with our eyes wide open to his bedside manner. If there is a problem with the Financial Secretary or any officer of the Government, the Government has a mechanism for dealing with those defaults. Subterfuge is not necessary. And certainly if the Prime Minister’s term in office is threatened by any public servant then should that not be brought to the Prime Minister’s attention directly and not through subterfuge. In any event, the system is clear, politicians make the decisions.