Attorney General, discount cialis viagra sale Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson is shown with Ms. Brandy Norwood (Recording Artist and Actress). On 16th July, generic 2014 both ladies were inducted as Honorary Members of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, search Inc. at the 66th Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule in Charlotte, North Carolina. Honorary Membership is the Sorority’s highest honor. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 on the Howard University Campus
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. Honorary Members include luminaries such as Mrs. Rosa Parks, Dr. Maya Angelou, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, Ms. Ella Fitzgerald, Dr. Keva Bethel, Mrs. Leah Tutu, Dame Nita Barrow, Mrs. Elinor Guggenheimer, Ms. Belva Davis, Judge Cheryl Albury, Judge Joyce London Alexander, Ms. Margaret Busby, Dr. Mae Jemison, Mrs. Carmen de Lavallade-Holder and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Senator Maynard Gibson said that she is grateful for and humbled by the honor and that with God’s help she intends to continue to uphold the principles and tenets of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.