(This letter appeared on the Facebook page of Sherwin Johnson, viagra usa rx who worked in the PLP’s campaign on 2102 and complains that despite all that he has done he is still without regular work, cialis buy and feels abandoned.
Open Letter to the Prime Minister and His Cabinet
Dear Sir, sildenafil
I must first commend you on a perfectly executed campaign during the 2012 general elections. You managed to convince the Bahamian people, including myself, that this time you had the best interest on the country at heart. Also, you were able to persuade the majority of the voting populous that this time around it would be about them.
As I move away though, hospital from your successful marketing scheme, I can’t help but to dissect your “pajama” way of running this country. No, I am no professional and no, I don’t have a law degree from Harvard, however, blessed with common sense I can see that your form of governance will inevitably reverse any form of progress this country has had in its 40+ years of Independence.
You may say I am a bitter young man. In all reality you are correct. However though, my bitterness has only been fueled by the constant play on the ignorance of our people. I am bitter because our children are rushed through an educational system that waits until the final day to say “your child has a D average”. I am bitter because our children fill classrooms wall to wall for some 45 minutes and don’t receive the adequate attention necessary.
Allow me to elaborate more on why I am bitter. I am bitter and angry because as a young Bahamian, myself and my peers are overlooked daily and replaced with “friends and family”. I’m angry because our young men have to resort to stealing to make a comfortable life for themselves. I am bitter because the people that swore to serve the people they represent overlook them daily and serve the needs of themselves.
No Mr. Prime Minister, I won’t leave without saying thanks. Thank you for the increased hardship on single parent homes. Thank you for not proving opportunities for our young men so they don’t have to resort to violence. Thank you for investing in roads rather that education. Thank you for the schools you never built. Thank you for investing in new vehicles when our public transportation systems lacks structure.
Thank you for believing in young people but pushing them on the side to fulfill old promises to retirees. Thank you for single handedly planning the demise of an already struggling “middle-class”
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. Thank you for making home (The Bahamas) one of the hardest places to live.
Lastly, as we prepare for you to shackle us and throw us in the fields Massa, I want to say thank you for destroying our future. Thank you for taking away the hope of many. Thank you for allowing personal gratification to supersede your oath of service for your people.
“Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance.” Walters