The company Aqua Designs, the reverse osmosis water company, that supplies islands across The Bahamas with fresh water, issued a statement last week that because the Water and Sewerage Corporation did not pay its bill and refuses to renew the contract for water which has expired, they were stopping all service for water on 3 May 2021. This means that the family island communities of Inagua, Eleuthera and San Salvador would all be without water come Monday tomorrow. The fault for this is the Chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation Adrian Gibson MP. Mr. Gibson has been running the Corporation to his own drum. The Prime Minister Hubert Minnis has allowed him to disrespect the Unions and to make a mess of the water supply in the country. The talk is that there is another company in the wings with equipment already landed that is to take over but they are not quite ready. The new company is said to be connected to close friends of the Chair Mr. Gibson. So where there is smoke there is fire. The U S Embassy has reportedly gotten involved. The American businessman who owns Aqua Design has flown into the country and has asked the Embassy’s help in getting the bills paid and the matter resolved.