Adrian Gibson is Mr. Gibson MP, Not “ The Hon.”
Calling People Honourable Who Are Not Honourable. There was a press release put out the other day by Adrian Gibson about a fire that broke out on a ship off Long Island. He described himself on his official stationery as “ The Hon.”. Now unless he has gotten a promotion to the Cabinet, or he serves in the Senate, or he was in the Cabinet for ten years and the Prime Minister conferred the title of Honourable for life on him, or he is the Speaker of the House or the Leader of the Opposition, or has received a national honour under the National Honours Act which confers that prefix, then he is not entitled to use the prefix “Honourable” lawfully. In the House of Assembly, he may be called an honourable member but outside on the street he is Mr. Adrian Gibson MP. This misuse is quite annoying to many people. The MP for Fox Hill Shonel Ferguson does it as well. We forgive her because she doesn’t know any better in so many things. Mr. Gibson is a trained attorney and should know better.