A Warning To Carlton Bowleg FNM MP In North Andros

This warning was posted on social media to the Member of Parliament for North Andros and the Berry Islands on 28th June 2019 It warns the MP that he has gone too far in politically interfering with hires in the Administrator’s office in North Andros. We print it because this is an example of the problem which FNM MPs have throughout the country.
A big shout out to my boy Carlton Garcia Bowleg, member of Parliament for North Andros and the Berry Islands. You have finally done it, Congratulations! You and your cronies have finally gotten my sister out of the Administrator’s Office in North Andros. Everybody knows she had that office running on even keel That’s a big shame and disgrace on all of you to deploy her because she’s a PLP.
Tell me, what is it that she will be doing in the post office? You all are too vindictive. I promised my parents that I will look after my sisters just how you promised your father that you will look after your sisters, I have to look after mine. I will never ever hurt Lisa and Julie Dem , in fact, I see them as my family. I see you as my family. I cry shame shame shame and disgrace on you but Payday is coming after a while . I can see it right around the corner.
What do you think you gain from all of this ? How do you feel about all of this? You let Cassandra them run you right up on breaks and don’t you come around me saying that you don’t know anything about it you are right up in their grits. She been to Bamsi y’all move her, she came back to the administrators office y’all move her……. Really?
I really didn’t wanted to get started but this is upsetting me. I have always been an FNM and this is how y’all hurting my sister? I am telling you payday is coming after a while and let me put you on notice now enjoy your last couple years in that Parliament because you will not see the walls in there again unless you are going to visit and reminisce.
You will never get back in Parliament……. not as long as I have 10 toes and 10 fingers . My family will fight you to the very end. Go with your nasty ways and repent.
You think you will get away? No Sir! You shall not! You will reap what you sow. 2022 is right around the corner. We cumin! You mark my words!