A Visit By Mitchell To Bimini

From Fred Mitchell Minute by Minute on FB: On the beach in Bimini with Fred Mitchell MP. So the sign says that beach access is restricted to residents of the private development and Bahamian citizens only. Halsbury’s Laws of England says on beach access that land up to the high-water mark belongs to the crown. So can private property rights ensue in this situation? 27 December 2022

From Fred Mitchell Minute by Minute on FB: Fred Mitchell with the great Bahamian musician Stevie S in Bimini 28 December 2022.

From Fred Mitchell Minute by Minute on FB: I finally got Ms Susan of Susan and Joy’s Convenience Store to take a picture with me. She said her hair was not fixed properly but it looks good to me.. a great friend in Bimini and an excellent business woman. Fred Mitchell 29 December 2022.

With Davon “Rivi” Rolle in Bimini, Fred Mitchell MP looking at the repairs to the Bimini Sports Complex. 27 December 2022

After lunch with former MP for Bimini George Weech is Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Bimini at Sharkie’s. 27 December 2022

From Fred Mitchell Minute By Minute on FB: With my friend Joe Jones who owns the Porgy Bay Market. Revisiting those days when from 6 to 8 p m the Bailey Town citizens would come to purchase food for their evening meal and he and i would talk the politics of the nation. With Fred Mitchell 29 December 2022

From Fred Mitchell Minute By Minute on FB: So guess who I found a Fox Hill constituent and a name synonymous with the Bahamas Cancer Society Lovern Wildgoose. She is on a visit to Bimini with her son Trevor who is a Sargent on the RBPF who kindly posed at police hq with the OC Supt Stephen Maycock. 29 December 2022

From Fred Mitchell Minute by Minute on FB: So guess who I found a Fox Hill constituent and a name synonymous with the Bahamas Cancer Society Lovern Wildgoose. She is on a visit to Bimini with her son Trevor who is a Sargent on the RBPF who kindly posed at police hq with the OC Supt Stephen Maycock. 29 December 2022

Fred Mitchell at Nate’s Bakery reported to be the best bread in Bimini at his bakery in Bimini with Fred Mitchell MP and Nate and his family 29 December 2022 from left: Nathan, wife Kerean , oldest daughter Keranay Emerald, baby daughter Rayhannah and Son Uzziah who is called UJ.