There is that famous song that Tina Turner, the late American pop singer, sang: What’s love to do with it? That is an apt pose for the Bahamian people from the generation of voters they face. This generation of voters wants nothing but money. Everyone wants a contract, a government job. They beg MPs to pay for their funerals, weddings, christenings, and even food to eat. No one it seems thinks that they have a responsibility to take care of themselves. Some people say it’s because wages are too low and people simply can’t afford to take care of themselves. The little children learn to beg from small. So it may not be the poverty at all, but just a culture or way of life. So you beg the MP to help pay for the funeral, but you end up with the fifty women in your family all dressed in tailor-made suits made just for the occasion. So much for the poverty argument. Fred Mitchell, the Chairman of the PLP, advised MPs to get their war chests ready for the next general election because it will probably be the most expensive in the country’s history.