One of the more dynamic ministries in the Baptist denominations was the independently run New Covenant Baptist Church founded by Bishop Simeon Hall. He retired nine years ago as the Senior Pastor and has been holding on with an office in the building as Pastor Emeritus. His anointed successor is Reverend Trajean Jadorette. Bishop Hall has been a hovering presence over the young man’s ministry and superintendence of the church. It appears that things got to a boil some weeks ago with a letter written by the Bishop making certain allegations about the young pastor which the young pastor brought to the attention of the church at fiery meeting on Sunday 29th September. This caused tough words to fly that were not nice. The country was horrified at the news of the squabbling and without saying who was wrong or right, senior Baptist ministers got involved with a view to trying to settle the matter. It would be a great shame for the New Covenant Congregation to divide over that and for the younger man’s ministry at the church to be left in tatters. One issue always is for senior men to know when to let go. There was a meeting on Thursday 3 October 2019 to bring the men together and for now its seems that there is reconciliation. However, everyone is cognizant that in the Baptist Church you often divide in order to multiply.