Recklessness is an ordinary English word…
The means, best viagra pilule the end and the consequences of the means.
( From a law text book)
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee
John Donne
Andre Rollins means to wreck the PLP. That much is clear to his critics. Last week on Wednesday 1st October and just as we predicted last week, the storm within him exploded again and this time he was hatching in his mind a conspiracy though unnamed by him but everyone assumed he was talking about the Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis to overthrow the Prime Minister. Mr. Davis denied it. The Prime Minister pooh poohed it. Mr. Rollins claimed that he was being honest. He then went downstairs to the press and told them that he would not apologise for what he had said earlier about the leadership and for which the party had expected one. He again pleaded the truth or honesty.
In this some argued, he is seeking to be clever by half by suggesting that honesty is the best policy. It is not in this case. The politically astute believe that this is not honesty that we are dealing with at all but dishonesty. Here is one of the scenarios we had said from the start of this saga: cover up your poor representation of Ft. Charlotte by throwing up the smoke screen of popular sayings among the young. This raises your stock or so you hope and then it supervenes all the wrong doing done to your constituents. You can see it from a mile down the road.
Some critics have embraced this, as they seek to make sense of conduct which is inexplicable, which seems headed to the graveyard and which just doesn’t make sense.
The leader of the PLP, who has been in politics for forty years, would be stupid to think of it otherwise than what it appears, an out and out attempt to do him in. It seems to us that a fundamental lesson of politics is that you don’t second guess yourself. It is what it appears at first and you act upon it. Shoot first and ask questions later. If you are wrong apologise and move on. That certainly appears to be the strategy of Mr. Rollins who cares not a wit about bad manners, hurt feelings, the party, the general good. None of that matters save for his own agenda or so it appears.
That is where we are now with this. Now we understand that the PLP’s Leadership Council has said: “ Enough of this shit”. The review panel that had earlier been appointed by the party to review his behavior has now reportedly been disbanded and a disciplinary committee pursuant to the constitution of the party has been convened. The MP must then suffer the consequences.
In law you are held accountable for your recklessness not just because of the end but also the means used which resulted in the consequences. In other words, Mr. Rollins can no longer rely on the plea of ‘accident’.
When you see that it reaches a point where Leslie Miller, the MP for Tall Pines, who is no deep freeze himself, has to call you down for what you have said then you know you are on the wrong side of right. Here is what he said in part just after Mr. Rollins sat down in the House:
“There’s a word called respect and you must respect those who are in authority, your leaders
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. The fact that it was implied that the Deputy Leader of my party would attempt to undermine the leader, Mr. Speaker, nothing could ever happen, before I believe something someone who just reach said. I’ll put my life on the line, that’s how deep I feel about the integrity of the people of whom I speak. This foolishness of someone trying to undermine, Mr. Speaker, it don’t happen in our party.”
Bradley Roberts, the Party Chair, called the allegations of Mr. Rollins absurd.
He shared with this site, the following from a Bahamian in the United Kingdom:
It is a shame Andre Rollins is determined to go down in history as a classic example of the ‘surface crack’ politician. ‘Surface crack’ politicians don’t have any real agenda, only to get noticed. They work to destroy from within, blowing up steam hoping to create cracks through which others could fall in so they can crawl out over the bodies below. They hope to get noticed by creating cracks as they blow off hot steam in front of the microphone. They are the egg throwers and the ones who like to give ‘last’ and run out of the door before you turn around.
After the slap that was heard across the length and breadth of the Bahamas, Rollins has been on a mission to vindicate his self-esteem every time he stands up in the House of Assembly. He isn’t speaking to anyone but Butler-Turner.
It is a shame that the true business of the House and the people of his constituency must suffer while he has his self-esteem therapy moments at the expense of government and party business.
What we do know is that whatever we say or is said about him, in the current fashion Mr. Rollins doesn’t give a shit. He is beating to his own drum. But that drum must not lead him to actually be a wrecking ball for the PLP. It must be stopped. We think it will inevitably lead where we did not and do not want to go, his expulsion from the PLP. We shall see.
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