The FNM Crew “officially: opening the Fishing Hole Road Causeway Bridge in Freeport Friday 26 June 2020 from left Minister Kwasi Thompson, MP Pakeisha Parker, the Prime Minister, Minister Iram Lewis and Minister Desmond Bannister. The man next to the Prime is a rep of Waugh Construction.
So anxious was Prime Minister Hubert Minnis and his colleagues to show Grand Bahama that they were indeed doing something, they rushed up to “officially” open the Fishing Hole Causeway Bridge in Freeport This is the road which links East Grand Bahama with West Grand Bahama. It has been a vexing problem and people have lost their lives in the periodic weather rages that hit The Bahamas crossing the existing road. Dr. Michael Darville when he was Minister for Grand Bahama under the PLP figured out an engineering solution and the Ministry of Works engineers designed an elevated causeway. The PLP left its construction in place . It has taken three years for the present administration to finish it. They claim that they were delayed because the Minister for Disaster Relief Iram Lewis thought it needed strengthening. Not the the engineer mind you but the Minister. Anyway, the Leader of the Opposition Philip Davis was not invited to the official opening, so he went to Freeport the day before the opening on 25 June 2020 and walked the bridge and took ownership of the idea and sought to inspect how public monies were spent. That did not go down well with the Prime Minister who said in his public remarks that the Leader of the Opposition’s tour was a new low. Never before in the history of The Bahamas, he said. This from a man who is so crude and disrespectful himself. The facts are the remarks of the Prime Minister are a new low. He did not speak the truth and has been so disrespectful to the Leader of the Opposition, one wonders why he didn’t bite his tongue.