A Memorial Built To Dorian Victims In Freeport

The Grand Bahama Port Authority neglected to invite anyone from the Official Opposition to be there but in the presence of FNM MPs including the Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest dedicated a memorial to the victims of Hurricane Dorian on Grand Bahama on 14 July 2020. The ceremony was led by the Chair of the Grand Bahama Port Authority Sarah St George.
Deputy Prime Minister K. Peter Turnquest, Ian Rolle,
President of the Grand Bahama Port Authority (right); and Sarah St. George (centre) Acting Chairman of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, at the official unveiling of the Grand Bahama Port Authority’s Hurricane Dorian victims Monument on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at the Sir Jack Hayward Bridge in Freeport, Grand Bahama. (SURGE Media Photo/Tim Aylen)