A Judge Gives Fred Smith Another Crazy Injunction
generic cialis times;”> Fred Smith Q C and Ferron Bethell, buy viagra another lawyer, are continuing with their nonsense which may well lead to them being the first two in an independent Bahamas to be hauled before the House of Assembly be and be formally charged with being in Contempt of Parliament. The Judge who issued the so called injunction may also find herself liable to that as well. The fact is that an injunction was issued at the instance of these individuals which purports to prevent a Member of Parliament from exercising his right of free speech in the sovereign Parliament of The Bahamas. Now life gets interesting. Jerome Fitzgerald and Fred Mitchell, both MPs, that injunction is supposed to affect responded with the following statement on Friday 22 April.
Joint Statement by
Fred Mitchell MP
Jerome Fitzgerald MP
22nd April 2016
On purported court injunction against Parliamentarians
We have read in the press a report about an injunction to restrain the freedom of speech of Parliamentarians. We want to assure our constituents that we will not be deterred. We will continue to speak freely on their behalf. Nothing Fred Smith QC can do will stop us.
This is a breach of our privileges as Parliamentarians. The matter calls for parliament to resist any encroachment on its rights.
Save the Bays should stand by for more to come.