A Happy Birthday Greeting To Fred Mitchell From Kevin Tomlinson
This was posted on Mr. Tomlinson’s Facebook page on 5th October 2019
Over 26 years ago, at the age of 17, I approached you and asked if you would be my mentor, with a confused look you declined and stated that you have never mentored anyone and don’t have the time for that.
Since then each time I saw you I continued to re-introduce myself and ask the same question and I always got the same response until 2 years later when we spoke at Bahamas Faith Ministries one evening after one of my performances.
Since then to now you have been one of the greatest influences in my life .You’ve taught me so much and I could not have asked for a better teacher.
Thank you for being a father, a brother ,a friend and an adviser.
so I say to you Happy Birthday. Thank you so much for always being the master mentor that you are .
Kevin .