Yesterday 9th August, discount cialis pills the leader of the Grand Bahama Youth Choir Kevin Tomlinson made a call for his friends and supporters to come out and help to get the new home for the choir in Freeport to be called the GRAND BAHAMA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER up and running
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. Volunteers showed up. The Choir has been drifting from home to home even though it’s been giving stellar performances throughout Grand Bahama and lately Nassau. The Grand Bahama Port Authority has finally given it permission to occupy and we hope permanently the old Luis De Torres Synagogue which has been in disuse since the fall in the Jewish numbers in Freeport. Let us hope that this is in fact the permanent home. We think that Mr. Tomlinson is an excellent leader and has taken much too much abuse from officialdom in Grand Bahama. He and his choir need a break.