MARCH 21st, 2007

 The concept of decision-making is a part of every person’s life. It is done consciously or sub-consciously on a daily and possibly, minute-by-minute basis. When one has a decision to make based on one’s family, job or group affiliation, a pronouncement is necessary and appropriate.

 In making a decision that leads to a pronouncement, the timeless reality that ‘a man’s word is his bond’ becomes more prevalent, when the pronouncement involves decisions that others, subsequently, have to make. In such cases, a decision made through a pronouncement should not and cannot be reversed, because a man’s word is all he has, and even more so, when others can and will be affected by a voluntary decision that is followed by a pronouncement.

 During the election campaign of 2002, I made the decision and hence the pronouncement that I would only serve in the specific area of public life as a Member of Parliament for an additional two and one half year period. Subsequently at the Prime Minister’s behest, in September of 2004, I was asked to remain in this specific area of public life for an extended period of time because of the vision of The Government for The Bain & Grants Town Constituency and its vision for the Ministry of Public Works and Utilities as set out by The PLP Government.

 The self-proclaimed and “believed to be” sole inheritor to The Bain & Grants Town Constituency, Rev. Dr. C. B. Moss, was made aware of The Prime Minister’s request out of courtesy by The PLP toward Rev. Moss’ personal desires and thus, Rev. Moss accepted the wishes of The Prime Minister, while also being acutely aware that wanting a Member of Parliament’s Post, is different from being elected to such a Post.

 As we are now approaching the end of The PLP’s first term in Government, once again I reiterate my decision made through my pronouncements, and as announced by the Prime Minister at the recent commissioning of the Blue Hills Reverse Osmosis Plant that I would not be seeking re-election to The House of Assembly, for what would have been a sixth consecutive term as a Member of Parliament.

 I will always remain available to serve The Bahamas in a public or private capacity, in particular, the faithful, loyal and committed people of the Bain and Grants Town Constituency, but my time of being a Member of the House of Assembly, will cease at the end of The PLP’s first term in Government.

 It is my hope that in my 25 years as a Member of Parliament, that I have set a standard of consistency and caring for the wonderful constituents that I have served. I also hope that sitting or potential Members of Parliament for the constituencies of The Bahamas will emulate the same.

 It is, however, my fervent hope that my pronouncement to honor my decision of retiring as a Member of the House of Assembly would also set a guideline for others to follow, especially when they make a voluntary pronouncement based on a voluntary decision to not seek a specific Public Office again.


I have taken due note of the Rev C B “CRY BABY” Moss the self-proclaimed and believed to be sole inheritor to The Bain & Grants Town Constituency,  attack on the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party yesterday claiming that he was “Double-Crossed”.  C B Moss and the entire PLP know that the leader of the party has never had the power to select anyone to be a candidate without carrying out due process.  C B Moss’ accusation of the leadership of the PLP being disrespectful, abusive and treacherous is without foundation and is slanderous and insulting.  The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister has always, in my view, been very transparent and open in all of its dealings with colleagues; therefore the suggestion that there has been a repudiation of a sacred agreement is nothing more than a figment of C B Moss’ imagination.

The facts are that C B Moss applied in writing to the Candidate’s Committee of the PLP as is required of all seeking endorsement to be as a standard bearer for the Party. During his interview C B Moss clearly stated that if the Party does not nominate him that he would run. Therefore his announcement to run as an independent is not surprising to the Bain & Grants Town Branch and me. I am also aware of C B Moss having talks with the leadership of the FNM.

I promised C B Moss publicly that I would recommend him to be my successor, which failed because of his arrogance, ungratefulness and gross failure to be a team player. It has always been about C B Moss rather than the people.  I am very disappointed of C B Moss’ lack of gratitude and lack of appreciation in failing to thank Prime Minister Christie who allowed him to serve as a Senator and Vice President for five years.   The facts of the matter are at a Branch Meeting of the Bain and Grants Town Branch of the PLP C B Moss failed to obtain a seconder for his nomination notwithstanding that a Deaconess in his Church was in the meeting. C B Moss in my opinion has an inflated view of his popularity in the Constituency. It just a matter of time in my opinion that C B Moss will receive a clear and definitive message from the Good People of Bain and Grants Town that he should embrace the higher calling of being a Pastor.

Indeed if C B Moss is consistent with his views he should apply the advice he gave to former Member of Parliament Mrs. Ruby Anne Darling via a letter dated may 26th, 1986 when he asked Mrs. Darling to withdraw as a host of the Baptist Radio Hour because she was standing as a Candidate for the 1987 General Elections. If this was the advice C B Moss gave to someone who was not a Pastor of a Church, then surely this same standard must apply with greater force to a Pastor such as he.

In his letter to Mrs. Ruby Anne Darling dated May 26th, 1986 at paragraph four Rev. Moss as Pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church wrote: It is my opinion, however, that your public confirmation of your candidacy in the upcoming General Elections of one of the local Political parties made it mandatory that you immediately withdraw from the program. Your failure to do this has among other things, placed the Baptist Convention and indeed individual Baptists in an embarrassing position. It has also cast a shadow upon your Christian integrity, or your good judgment; for surely you will agree that a partisan speech on national radio on Saturday, which is divisive and creates wounds, then return on Sunday as the voice of the church which seeks to bridge divisions and heal wounds is incompatible.

I am compelled to commend the Bible imperative “ PHYSICIAN HEAL THY SELF” Clearly this a case of HIPPROCICY at the highest level, as the Rev. C b Moss is the special assistant to the President of the Bahamas Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention and President of the Bahamas Christian Council

The Bain and Grants Town Branch in their wisdom selected and recommended Senator Dr. Bernard Nottage Minister of Health and National Insurance to the Party’s Candidates’ Committee and he was ratified unanimously by the National General Council of the Party last Friday evening. I urge all of my loyal and faithful party supporters over these past twenty-five years to VOTE for Bernard J Nottage who was born and grew up on East Street in the heart of over the hill and one who will serve the people of the constituency with great distinction in advancing the well being and interest of the people of Bain and Grants Town to higher heights.

I shall continue to pray for Rev C B Moss so that he may come to understand and accept that it has to always be about the people and not about oneself.

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