Compiled, edited and constructed by Russell Dames... Updated every Sunday at 2 p.m.
Volume 8 © 2010
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The site is compiled and edited in
The Bahamas by Russell Dames, with writer Claire Booth
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but
the righteous are bold as a lion
Proverbs 28:1
You could tell from the way the FNM started the House of Assembly that morning
that things would not go according to the script. It was Wednesday 15th December.
The Bahamas House of Assembly is poorly designed and not fit for the modern
purposes of passing laws. It is too intimate a building and everyone is on
top of one another. There is no privacy and no respect for the integrity of
the party processes. This means that everyone is within earshot of everyone
The FNM’s Leader of the House Tommy Turnquest is not really the Leader
of Government Business in the House. The Prime Minister really leads the House.
The Speaker; the FNM's Leader of House Business Tommy Turnquest all take orders
from the Prime Minister or so it appears.
Prior to the sitting of the House on Wednesday 15th December, the Leader of
Government business Tommy Turnquest indicated that his party wanted the concurrence
of the House to move all stages of a bill to deal with some corrections to
the badly drafted Business Licence Act earlier passed by the FNM over the
objections of the PLP. The PLP agreed to deviate from the rule and allow all
stages of the bill to be read in one day. The PLP agreed because it knew that
the trade unions would be in the square raising the issue of the sale of BTC,
the telephone company, and it believed that the government should be in the
House of Assembly giving a full account of why they are selling BTC and on
what terms.
But from the moment the House started, you could hear Hubert Ingraham talking
to Tommy Turnquest. “Tommy”, he said, “do we have the amendment?”
No was his answer. “So we shouldn’t be in here wasting time”,
said the Prime Minister.
The House started. A note is sent over to the Leader of PLP business Obie
Wilchcombe. The note said that the government had changed its mind and wanted
to suspend after some first readings because they didn’t have their
amendment ready. Mr. Wilchcombe wrote back that the Opposition wanted to do
Members’ Statements and also questions. The note went back. Tommy sent
it to the Prime Minister who said audibly to Tommy Turnquest: “Not a
Obie Wilchcombe said to the Prime Minister: “Why?” The Prime Minister
replied: “Because I say so.” The FNM moved then to suspend the
House and the real reason it became clear was the noise that was being made
below by the hundreds of demonstrators in the public square. They had breached
the police barriers and the police were beating the protestors with batons.
It is clear that the Prime Minster wanted to high tail it and run.
At one point, the Prime Minister got up and went to the Speaker’s chair
and whispered in the Speaker’s ear. The Speaker nodded his head. What
did the Prime Minister say? Did he call for the Speaker to suspend the House
right after the first readings? The Leader of the PLP's Business thought so
and warned his members.
The first readings were finished. The Leader of Government Business Tommy
Turnquest moved for suspension of the House until 19th January, 2011. This
was the same man who asked for the PLP to agree to read all stages of the
bill in one sitting because the matter was urgent. Now the House was being
suspended for almost a month. No Christmas greetings. No exchanges to constituents.
Without so much as a by your leave, the Speaker put the question and moved
the vote. The leader of PLP’s business was on his feet asking for the
Speaker’s attention. The Speaker ignored the call and protests on the
PLP and walked out of the House.
Not only is the Prime Minister's conduct disgraceful and cowardly, so was
his Leader of the House who sat there lamely and did what he was told. At
one point, the Prime Minister said to him audibly, “Tommy, I want you
to suspend the House.” Mr. Turnquest nodded back. Fred Mitchell shouted
over to the Prime Minister: “That's right make sure he gets it right.”
The Prime Minister looked up and said: “And I am staying right here
so if there is a mistake, I will make sure I can correct it.” The
cartoon by Stan Burnside is not a part of the Comment of The Week. It is an
independent comment and is used by permission.
The conduct of the Speaker is simply spineless and cowardly as well. Shame
on him. How long will we let them get away with this conduct?
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 18th December 2010 up to midnight:
Number of hits for the month of December up to Saturday 18th December 2010
up to midnight: 364,777.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 18th December 2010 up to midnight:
swimmer Arianna Vanderpool Wallace has won a Bronze Medal at the FINA World
Short Course Swimming Championships in Dubai. Arianna's outstanding performance
in the 50-metre freestyle makes her the first Bahamian woman to make finals
and to medal at this level of swimming competition.
Arianna is the daughter of Minister of Tourism Vincent Vanderpool Wallace and Tietchka Vanderpool Wallace (nee Knowles).
Super Congratulations to Arianna!
December 19th 2010
The PLP is convinced that the remarks in Grand Bahamas by the Prime Minister
on Saturday last were not logical, reasoned and sober reflections by the Prime
Minister. It appears to us that he may have been carried way with the Yuletide
spirit and was not reasoning locally or sensibly.
We read carefully what he had to say in the official transcript that was issued
by the Bahamas Information Services. Mr. Ingraham cannot be seriously threatening
the jobs of workers in this country at time like this. The threats are obvious
and direct at the workers at BTC. We condemn them and call upon Mr. Ingraham
to enter into sincere dialogue with the trade unions. This is not politics.
It is time for him to rise to the level of a statesman and stop acting the
part of a political hack.
He said the following:
“But the truth of the matter is that for those who are employed
at BTC and elsewhere in the public sector – I wish to caution them not
to follow the current plans of the president of the NCTU and BCPOU; Ms. Dobson
and Mr. Evans – because when you walk off your job, if you do, there
is no guarantee that you can come back to that job – no guarantee.
“Jobs are scarce. Jobs are hard to find. And no one is able to stop
you from cutting off your nose to spite your face; that is your face. But
at the end of the day, you won’t have a nose – that is the judgment
you can make.”
Mr. Ingraham and his party keep trying to poison the well by suggesting that
the Unions are engaged in a political fight with him, with the PLP pushing
a political agenda. If he wishes to turn it into a political fight that is
his business, but the fact is the Unions have legitimate grievances which
they are seeking to address by lawful means. It is unconscionable and reprehensible
and just plain lousy of a Prime Minister to threaten people's jobs and to
try and mix the PLP up in his lame attempt to defend an indefensible policy.
The PLP simply stands with the people and their legitimate concerns. No amount
of propaganda can change the facts on the ground. The PLP simply stands for
the people.
As for the following statement by the Prime Minister:
“The PLP, just before the last election, agreed to sell it to
some person. Zhivargo [Laing] reminded me this morning that normally in The
Bahamas, you find a Bahamian fronting for a foreigner. They agreed to sell
to somebody who some people think were fronting for some of them. “
This statement is a well known untruth being peddled by the Free National
Movement in its propaganda programme. Mr. Ingraham is being less than frank
in this matter. If the Prime Minister is correct in his assertion of fronting,
then his government has some explaining to do to the Bahamian people.
His government recently paid 1.9 million dollars to a foreign entity (plus
significant legal fees), the company he now accuses of fronting. If the company
was fronting why did the government pay the hard cash of the Bahamian tax
payer to this foreign entity voluntarily. This was a penalty which the FNM
agreed to pay to Bluewater the putative buyer of BTC’s minority interest
because the FNM cancelled the deal. If the Prime Minister is correct that
there was fronting then surely by logical reasoning then the FNM is now complicit
in the fronting exercise by paying those who were fronting to end the deal.
There was no fronting. The Prime Minister must put up or shut up on this issue
or stop his party from spinning this total and absolute lie. We call for him
to put the entire file on the table and produce the evidence or cease and
Another incredible statement by the Prime Minister was if he reduces the rates
of cellular hundreds of people at BTC would be fired. Rates changes; falls
within the preview of URCA ex PUC and not the government. Clearly the PM did
not think that such a proposition through, as it was the then PUC who turned
down BTC’s request to lower cellular rates to protect SRG.
We hope that in a period of sober reflection that the Prime Minister will
rethink his views and provide the country with a more reasoned and considered
approach to the public policy on this issue.
Ethric Bowe who is one of the leaders in the fight for justice of the Blue
Hill’s business group that challenged by judicial review the government’s
decision to reverse the traffic flow on Baillou Hill Road announced that the
Judge Neville Adderley had ruled in their favour and ordered damages against
the government on Friday 17th December. No word on whether the government
will appeal.
The judgment appears to say that even though there is no statutory right to consultation that when consultation is embarked upon it creates a legitimate expectation for proper consultation and in this case, there was no proper consultation. He ordered damages to be assessed against the government, which may be in the millions.
Rupert Roberts, the owner of Super Value food store estimated
that he lost 300,000 dollars since the road changes. “We have come to
the point where elected representatives don’t seem to care”, Mr.
Roberts said to The Tribune on Saturday 18th December. This is almost certain
to be appealed by the government, particularly since the case was argued on
the government’s behalf by the Attorney General John Delaney himself.
You may click here
for the full judgment.
The National Congress of Trade Unions (NCTU) led a massive demonstration and
march to the public square to protest the selling by the government of the
Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC). The photos:
week, just after this site’s first edition was uploaded, PLP Leader
Perry Christie appeared as a guest on the Island 102.9 talk show ‘Parliament
Street’ and said this about the comments he had made earlier promising
to step down in midterm should he be elected to allow someone else to lead.
This was in contradistinction to Hubert Ingraham who is seeking yet another
term in office without end in sight.
Mr. Christie said: “I was trying [when I made my first comments] to communicate in fact that at the end of the term we should be in a place to signal to the Bahamian people what I mean by orderly succession. When it was said that I would leave mid-term or when it was said that I said I would leave mid-term that perhaps was a mischaracterization or a misstatement on my part. I know that people will vote for you because of what they think you can do for them and for me to hold out the probability that I would leave mid-term would not be fair to the people who would vote for me; to present those programmes and policies that we will present during our next campaign.”
The Bahama Journal carried a headline the next morning: “Christie’s About Face”.
George Smith, a former Minister of the PLP under Sir Lynden Pindling and a Stalwart Councillor responded the next day in The Tribune by saying: “We in political parties are in the business of winning. He cannot be judged by talking about winning. If he wins, he will lead. If he loses, the obvious will happen.”
Mr. Smith also told The Tribune that while he was one of the first persons to come out and publicly support Mr. Christie to remain as leader of the party, he also would be looking at his performance in office if the opportunity is afforded to Mr. Christie again.
The PLP’s Deputy leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis spoke to The Tribune to say that he did not think Mr. Christie's decision to now stay on in office will cause any issues within the party, or stir up any former rivalries for the top post.
“From my perspective, I think Christie is sensitive to the views and thinking of the Bahamian public and he will know when best to go. No one is going to push him out. He will decide when he wants to go.”
The fact that Perry Christie should change his mind about stepping down in
midterm even though he will be near 70 years old if he wins the Prime Ministership
again should be no surprise to anyone. The culture of The Bahamas does not
admit to resignation, retirement or stepping down from any institution voluntarily.
The Leadership in the Baptist churches should give you examples a plenty.
That is the closest thing that we have to culturally authentic African organizations
in The Bahamas. In leadership in Africa, it is very much til death do us part.
When you look in the region with the exception of Bermuda, where within the PLP of Bermuda they have changed Premiers 3 times with four PLP Premiers there since 1998; no one goes whether they win or lose voluntarily. Everywhere else in the Caribbean, leaders stay on until they are pushed out by death, ill health or dragged kicking and screaming into the political graveyard.
Recently, we had Hubert Ingraham coming back to office after saying when he took office the first time in 1992 that he only wanted two terms or ten years. He said that his predecessor Sir Lynden who was 62 at the time he lost office was too old and had overstayed his time and should go. Now, Mr. Ingraham is 63 and says he needs another five years.
In Barbados, Owen Arthur having lost and resigned, fittingly so in 2008, took the reins of his party back this year with the full support of cheering delegates at the age of 62.
In Antigua, Lester Bird now 72 and Leader of the Opposition and a former Prime Minister who promised his party that he would be stepping down within 2 years of the loss, announced just last week that he would not be stepping down after all but would await the wishes of his party because some people think that he needs to stay on to lead the party back to victory.
In Jamaica before all of that, we had Michael Manley who lost office to Edward Seaga in 1980 but stayed on to retake the government from Mr. Seaga a decade later. In Trinidad and Tobago, Patrick Manning lost office in 1995 and stayed on as Leader of the Opposition to retake the government from Basdeo Panday. Mr. Manning lost again this year and even though he has stepped down, the rumours abound that he is about to make a comeback to lead the party again.
In St. Lucia, Kenny Anthony, the former Prime Minister is waiting in the wings as Leader of the Opposition to retake the government when elections are called. In nearby St. Vincent, the Prime Minister there Ralph Gonsalves is 64 years old and just won a squeaker of a victory on 13 December to lead the country for a third term. In winning, he defeated a former Prime Minister Arnhim Eustace, now Leader of the Opposition who lost office to Mr. Gonsalves in 1995 and having lost three times in a row and despite the speculation there is no sure bet that he will step down.
In St. Lucia, we had the granddaddy of them all, where Sir John Compton came out of retirement at the age of 83 and retook the government from Kenny Anthony ending up dying in office as Prime Minister.
Edward Seaga in Jamaica had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office in Jamaica as Leader of the Opposition to allow Bruce Golding to get the chance he now has of being Prime Minster.
George Tillman became Prime Minister at the age of 61 in Grenada for the first time. His immediate predecessor, Dr. Keith Mitchell, the man he defeated in the elections in 2009 sits as Leader of the Opposition hoping to make a comeback.
Power concedes nothing without a demand, said Frederick Douglass.
This style of leadership retention is also reflected in the cultural landscape; the Baptist church we have already cited, but let’s go to Junkanoo: who is going to tell ‘Vola’ Francis and ‘Gus’ Cooper that they must leave as head of the Saxons and the Valley Boys. Both are well into their sixties. Good luck with that!
This late news came in from a correspondent in Freeport about the party thrown
by the FNM on Saturday 18th December. The party was held after the PLP held
a party the Saturday before called Dance With the Leaders at Our Lucays. Some
60 people showed up to the FNM function. At the function, Mr. Ingraham launched
into a rant against the PLP and threatened the workers; You
may click here for his full remarks. The PLP will issue a statement shortly.
Meanwhile our correspondent writes:
Dupuch writes again answering his sister Eileen at The Tribune and
Rick Lowe his former campaign manager who attacked him first.
By Pierre V.L. Dupuch
December 13, 2010
Bahamian Leaders Should Develop Guts & National Pride!
Pierre Dupuch Asks the Aga Khan a Question About Bahamian National Treasures.
In the Tribune of December 3, 2010 I read a letter entitled, "We must
avoid trying to create acrimony for foreign investors." This was a letter
written by Mr. Rick Lowe and commented on by the editor of the Tribune concerning
comments I had made about the dredging at Bell Island.
Still having a bit of "male chauvinist pig" left in me at 72, I
will answer the lady first. I agree whole heartedly with her comments about
the destruction of monuments in Egypt in order to save lives. History shows
that this is widespread. During the Second World War many historic sites and
documents were destroyed and gallons of human blood shed to preserve our freedom
so that we fools could use, abuse and destroy it fifty years later.
Reading the Editor's note was a good history lesson but all it did was to
muddy the waters. I am glad, however, that she finally said that "there
is no comparison between Egypt and Bell Island, except the same principle
applies ... there has to be a bit of give and take provided no damage is done
to Exuma's precious marine park."
Everyone knows that there is a continuous struggle between "environment"
and "development." There must be give and take. That is the rule
of thumb. But the destruction of a national treasure for one man's pleasure
is, to say the least, a stretch.
To save lives in Egypt and the destruction of national treasures during war
in the pursuit of freedom is one thing. But the destruction of national treasures
that destroys livelihoods and restricts freedoms is something else.
The editor contends that scientists (environmental studies) confirm that there
will be no damage done to the environment if the Aga Khan is allowed to carry
on with his proposed activities at Bell Island. I disagree.
The BNT and the Minister of Environmental Destruction contend that the environmental
studies show that there will be no "appreciable" damage done to
the environment. They further contend that using "modern methods"
will guarantee this "minimal damage."
This is interesting. I am sorry, but I have seen the results of many so-called
"environmental studies" gone wrong to convince me that the old adage
"the person who pays the Piper names the song." Frankly, I don't
trust them. Has anybody told us what these "modern methods" are
that will confine the sediment to a restricted area when the digging will
be something like fifteen feet deep over an area several acres in the middle
of the Park? Has anyone ever told us what will happen to the thousands of
baby conch living several hundred feet from the proposed dredging site?
I'm no scientist, but I'm no fool either. Nor are the Bahamian people. My
"gut feel" and common sense tells me that there is something wrong
here. If all was so right, why don't they tell us what these "modern
methods" are and why have they not released the environmental study so
that the Bahamian people can properly decide for themselves? I'll tell you
why. Because I suspect they can't without exposing themselves.
The editor suggests that the Aga Khan should be given access to his private
property ... "and this can only be done by boat, and as night follows
day, a boat needs a channel." True. But God has already taken care of
that for us. He has given Bell Island two channels ... one deep and one shallow.
What more does a man want? He could, of course, use his helicopter.
And now to Mr. Lowe. For him to say that this development would only affect
a fraction of the Park is not quite correct. If one has ever flown over an
area that is being dredged in the water it would be obvious that the sediment
from the dredging would cover miles and cause irreparable damage to reef for
miles around.
At no time in my article did I say that the Aga Khan, or anybody else for
that matter, would be asked to leave Egypt. How could the Aga Khan be asked
to leave Egypt? Leave the Government's office to be sure, but not to leave
Egypt. There is a tremendous difference.
How does Mr. Lowe conclude that my letter would create mistrust and acrimony
for foreign investors when I was simply asking a question ... "How would
Egypt handle a similar situation involving one of its National Treasures?"
If I wanted to know how another country would react, would I not be well advised
to ask someone who is from or familiar with the area?
I was suggesting that the government should ask any outsider to show the same
respect for our National Treasures as we would be expected to show for theirs.
It's past the time that our leaders (not only politicians) develop some kind
of guts and national pride.
In case certain people are running late to catch the helicopter, let me ask
the Aga Khan myself: Is it unreasonable, sir, to ask you to show the same
respect for our national treasures as we would be expected to show for yours?
Forrester Carroll writes:
Carroll agrees with Sir Jack Hayward…
Sir Jack Hayward has set the record straight with his pronouncements,
appearing in Monday’s (6th December) Freeport News, that it is the actions
of Hubert Ingraham’s government which are directly responsible for the
lack of economic growth in Freeport and Grand Bahama.
Sir Jack is claiming that Ingraham’s refusal to renew the work permit
for his Chairman, Hannes Babak (which action has prevented Babak from going
to his office in the pink building in downtown Freeport), has effectively
stymied the Port Authority’s efforts to improve the island’s economy.
Without Hannes Babak, Sir Jack said, “we’re a bit leaderless and
the projects he was working on are now simply gathering dust,” he told
the reporter.
Hannes’ work permit was denied in the middle of his negotiations on
another rock dredging organization; a possible oil refinery; a new cement
plant and an LNG plant with the possibility of supplying the state of Florida
with some of their electrical supply needs, bemoaned Sir Jack. Sir Jack’s
claim is that the FNM government denied the permit without giving him or the
Freeport community an explanation for why. He reiterated his displeasure and
anger over the whole disgusting affair opining that if there was ever a good
candidate, for approval of a work permit, it is Hannes Babak. He reminded
that, out of the almost 300 employees, in his firm’s employ, only one
is on work permit; all the others are Bahamian citizens so why (he wants to
know and I do as well) is the Port Authority Ltd, Sir Jack Hayward and Hannes
Babak being singled out for such dastardly behavior from this Ingraham, FNM,
I am reliably informed that while Hubert Ingraham is miffed with Sir Jack
for not acquiescing to the idea of selling his shares, in the Port Authority,
to Hutchison Whampoa, he is more than peeved with Hannes Babak for not being
able to (at his-Ingraham’s- request), I am told, convince Sir Jack to
do so as well as – it is alleged – more private matters.
These personal gripes of Ingraham’s seem to be the very frivolous reasons
for which Ingraham was prepared to undermine the Immigration department; hog-tie
his immigration minister and embarrass both Sir Jack and Hannes when he declared,
at Nassau’s Lynden Pindling Airport, on his way to Denmark last year
sometime, that Hannes’ work permit would not be approved. I don’t
think that he was even asked a question about the matter. He simply volunteered
his sentiments to ensure that they were known, publicly, it appeared. This
is probably one of the reasons why Bran McCartney may have resigned as well.
This is the action of a spoiled little brat who, if you don’t let him
win all the games, would take up his marbles and go home pouting. Ingraham
continues to be willing to let Freeport and Grand Bahama die, a slow death,
if he can’t have his own way. His conduct has nothing to do with good
business ethics or prudence in business.
One thing we all should be reminded of and that is that the stark reality,
of this situation, is that neither Sir Jack nor Hannes Babak needs Freeport
to boom, anytime soon, for them to live and feed sumptuously for the rest
of their lives but we do; and Ingraham does and Neko does and Kenneth Russell
does and so do Thompson and Laing. Both Sir Jack and Babak could take off
on four-month world cruises, when they feel like doing so, and not miss a
beat but us; well we need economic activity to happen in Freeport and if it
doesn’t, very soon, all of the remaining businesses could possibly fail.
Oh I take it back; Ingraham doesn’t need Freeport to survive for him
and his family to live comfortably either, but you do and this FNM country
does. Whatever we may think of Sir Jack; Hannes Babak or the operations down
at the pink building, Sir Jack’s “Freeport” is the largest
single investment in the country’s history-barring none-and Sir Jack
deserves to be dealt with, with respect and dignity by the Bahamas government.
Since 1955 the Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited has grown the city, from
its embryo stages of swamp land, to what it is today, notwithstanding, and
our government ought to show some gratitude even while taking issue with aspects
of its operations.
Ingraham has embarked on a mission which he cannot complete.
He has engaged Sir Jack but he should know that better persons (than him)
have done so, in the past, and could not win. Sir Jack can well afford to
wait it out, economically and otherwise, but Ingraham has very little more
time to be around; what say ye you five FNM members of parliament? You three
Senators? You deputy speaker of the House of Assembly and you three cabinet
ministers? What say ye and where are you, while all this is happening to our
fair city which you represent? Cat gat your tongues?
I saw where a certain ill-mannered henchman could not leave Ingraham’s
fight alone but had to get involved and jump into the mix. On the front page
of the Freeport News this morning (7th December), true to form, Zhivargo Laing
is reportedly responding to Sir Jack. Laing should learn how to stay out of
the business of grown-ups but since he wants in, then he will have to take
some of Ingraham’s licks. First of all, Zhivargo, Sir Jack could be
your Great grand father so you are not in his company. Didn’t your mother
teach you how to respect your elders? What are you doing in big people’s
business anyway? Silly, misguided and offensive is how Laing described Sir
Jack’s comments(published from the day before) but if he were to fine
tune his ears, and listen to what Grand Bahamians are saying, he would hear
all of them saying the very same things that Sir Jack has said. Like the proverbial
Ostrich, though, he (Laing) has his head in the sand and, like his seven other
colleagues, has tuned out Grand Bahama. To many, Sir Jack may not be their
favorite person but all of Freeport, and Grand Bahama, will tell you that
he spoke truth.
Laing went on to chastise Sir Jack for accusing his FNM government of stifling
the economic growth of Freeport, at this time. He alluded to the impasse between
the St. Georges and Sir Jack, over the shareholdings in the Port Group of
Companies, and opined that it is more likely that that had more to do with
stifling Freeport’s growth than the slow down in the world’s economy
and the hurricanes of 2004/2005 combined. Of course Laing was only trying
to see how good a smart-ass he could be because he knows the truth and the
truth is as Sir Jack said. Had the PLP been in power and Sir Jack made the
same observations, under the same circumstances, about a PLP government, Laing
and his leader would have been the first two to concur readily. Well it is
not the PLP in power, but the FNM, and the FNM government is indeed responsible,
for the most part, for stifling this city’s economy.
No one could deny that Sir Jack did not warn the Ingraham government that
things would heat up in Freeport. The FNM contingent of eight Grand Bahamian
parliamentarians-if they were smart and had any guts (which I guess is a bit
much to expect from this crop)-should fight Ingraham on this Babak work permit
matter, but they have no grit; no backbone. Instead of Laing declaring his
remorse for how Sir Jack feels, about his governments unwise, and quite frankly,
asinine decisions, he chose rather to get into a fight, as did Ingraham; a
fight, I submit, neither of them will win.
Sir Jack sits on top of a billion dollar empire, and has been for most of
his 87 year life span, while Laing couldn’t manage a book-sellers club
and he (Laing) purports to lecture this financial guru? Give us a break Zhivargo.
You have seventeen more months left to collect a fat salary at the taxpayers’
expense, Zhivargo; make the best of those pay cheques my son.
Parents of yesteryear taught all their children that “manners and respect”
would take us around the world. It would reap great dividends for this youthful
generation if they were to just remember and adhere to that old adage, when
addressing their elders. We never did have but if there were youngsters, residing
in any of our settlements in Long Island while we were being reared as children,
who dared speak to person who was, even five years, his/her senior in the
manner that the Freeport News reported that Laing spoke in reference to Sir
Jack, that young man/woman would have been immediately cast forth as an “ill-mannered,
no good, puppy dog” and would have been disowned by the community, as
well his/her family members. At the very least the family would have been
awfully ashamed of him/her and that child would have been branded and scorned
all his/her youthful days and into adulthood, if the many cut behinds did
not bring him/her in line. The child’s behavior wasn’t left to
be corrected by its parents only but the whole community. Our communities
never tolerated that sort of thing and felt duty bound to correct any deficiencies
in any of the neighborhood’s children. A curse would be put on the youngster(s)
who could not be reformed and believe me there were very few, if any, that
couldn’t be reformed. The curse would have been to the effect that no
good will ever follow you, as none will follow this “Young Turk junior
minister for finance.” Sir Jack is 20 years my senior and I am, no doubt,
20 years (plus) yours, just remember that young minister.
Thank You
Forrester J Carroll J.P
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Photos from the Junior Junkanoo on Thursday 9th December. These photos are
from Ryan Pinder MP PLP’s Facebook page of the primary school in his
area Thelma Gibson. Enjoy!
“There was a press conference held on Tuesday 14th December at Fox Hill.
The group call themselves Consumer Voices Bahamas. One of the group's spokesmen
was a former candidate of the FNM. My constituents who were present identified
a number of others as family members of the FNM's last candidate in Fox Hill
and other FNM Fox Hill Constituency Association officers. It would seem therefore
that the group's spokesman David Jordine was being less than frank when he
told the press that this new consumer organization is not affiliated with
any political party.
“I believe that the organization is an FNM front organization, which
is being used as one of the political guises by the Free National Movement
to fool the public that there is general consumer support of the FNM's decision
to sell BTC to a foreign entity. For absolute clarity and out of an abundance
of caution, I wish to say they do not speak for Fox Hill.
“The arguments that they put forward as a consumer perspective also
do not make sense. They said that selling BTC to a foreign entity will make
it cheaper for the consumer. Is this group aware that the BTC management put
a proposal to the government to lower the cost of cellular phone service but
that proposal remains unanswered to this day?
“Is this group aware that it was the FNM government that told the management
of BTC after 2007 not to make any major capital decisions pending privatization
and now three years later no decision having been made on privatization by
the FNM, the FNM are now blaming the management of BTC for not making the
capital decisions?
“Is this group aware that almost 160 million dollars were taken out
of BTC in dividends by the government since 2009? That today there are almost
35 million dollars in the BTC bank accounts that can pay for the transition
to 3G service without having to get a government loan guarantee?
“Is this group aware that what the FNM government proposes is to continue
the public monopoly as a private monopoly for at least 3 years after the sale
of BTC to a foreign entity?
“No real consumer group, knowing the true answers to these questions,
would advance the arguments that they have. The press conference held in Fox
Hill on Tuesday must therefore be dismissed for what it is; an FNM propaganda
The Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade with not even a year gone by
since becoming commissioner is now under fire from one of his own about the
way he runs the Force. An Assistant Superintendent has said that he believes
that the Commissioner is more interested in public relations than in policing.
Harsh words were said and we wonder whether this is appropriate for a subordinate
in a military force. No doubt, the correct action will be taken to deal with
that. The outburst came in the Nassau Guardian in a story by Brent Dean. The
officer Glenroy McKenzie is a relative of an officer Archibald Miller who
was killed by another policeman in what is being described as an accident.
The relatives don’t buy the story. Here is the report from the Nassau
Guardian carried on Monday 13th December:
A senior police officer has called for an independent investigation
to be launched into the killing of Inspector Archibald Miller, 47, as he has
“lost confidence” in Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade to
ensure that a proper inquiry is conducted.
Assistant Superintendent Glenroy McKenzie, a 32-year
veteran of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF), made the declaration in
an interview at The Nassau Guardian.
However, senior RBPF spokesman Assistant Commissioner Hulan Hanna rejected
the assertion that the force is not conducting proper investigations into
Miller’s death
McKenzie, a relative of Miller, said he wants an independent investigator to be brought in from an international police organization such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States, or from Scotland Yard in the United Kingdom, in order to pursue all leads regarding the death.
McKenzie emphasized that he would want the independent investigator to examine if the death was a homicide.
Miller was shot to the upper body multiple times on December 2. After the incident, police said he was accidentally shot by another police officer during an operation in southwestern New Providence around 5 a.m. Miller died at Doctors Hospital on December 5.
McKenzie said he does not think the officer internally identified as the shooter was in any way involved with killing Miller.
McKenzie said Miller received more than one gunshot wound above the bulletproof vest he was wearing.
“If Miller was hit by friendly fire, the family would forgive and forget about the matter because we all know the risks involved in policing and Miller loved his job and he loved his colleagues,” he said.
McKenzie said he criticized the commissioner because,
in his view, Greenslade is too concerned with public relations.
“He appears to be more concerned about his public image rather than
confronting this matter and having it properly dealt with,” said McKenzie.
“I actually feel sorry for him because the new amendments to the Police
Act limit his term in office and prevent him from being as effective as he
could be. It turns the commissioner into a politician and takes away his strength.”
Hanna, who responded on behalf of the commissioner after being contacted by The Guardian, said the force is saddened by Miller’s death and its leadership has met with his family.
Miller is scheduled to be buried today.
“And there are things that the leadership of this force has committed to do in conjunction with this family but we will not speak to publicly. But we have every confidence going forward that this family is going to be okay and that our prayer is that they would be able to survive this very sad loss,” said Hanna.
“As far as the investigation is concerned, the investigation continues aggressively and there is nothing that we are aware of in the investigation that would change, or is likely to change, the initial stance taken by the police.”
Hanna emphasized that the force is able to properly conduct investigations involving the death of officers.
“It has been demonstrated over and repeatedly that the Royal Bahamas Police Force is able to police its own. But it is also to its credit that the force now has a civilian inspectorate, or a civilian oversight group, that is headed by a distinguished Bahamian,” he said of the body headed by attorney Elliot Lockhart.
“And the office is staffed by an office manager and the group is a very competent group that has the authority in law to call for any files in any investigation that the police are engaged in within the context of what we are discussing.”
According to McKenzie, police did not initially collect all of Miller’s clothing. He provided The Guardian with pictures of the clothing. The photos were of the rear of Miller’s clothing and they included a photo of the rear of his bulletproof vest, according to McKenzie.
He added that the front portion of Miller’s clothing and vest were taken by police who eventually collected the remaining clothing.
McKenzie also criticized the force for dismissing possible links between Miller’s death and another recent homicide.
Police do not publicly discuss the details of ongoing investigations. Hanna did not discuss specifics of the investigation. However, he said incidents such as Miller’s death end up before the Coroner’s Court.
“And so we are satisfied as a force that there
are sufficient checks and balances in the system that would disallow for any
misconduct on the part of any entity or any person in this organization,”
said Hanna.
Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes presented the awards given by Queen Elizabeth
on the advice of the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham at Government House. The
ceremony took place on Monday 13th December. Among those rewarded was Sol
Kerzner, the man who owns Atlantis and Paradise Island and is believed to
be one of Mr. Ingraham’s financial benefactors. He received an honorary
knighthood, which leads to a correction from a report earlier on the site
about a problem with the award. The problem appears to have been Mr. Kerzner's
inability to go to London to receive, it not the award itself. Others of prominence
who were rewarded were Elaine Pinder who received a Member of Most Excellent
Order of the British Empire (MBE) and Monsignor Preston Moss who became a
Commander of the British Empire (CBE) and retired teacher Arlene Nash who
received a British Empire Medal (BEM) as did Brenda Archer, FNM Women’s
Association leader. Mrs. Pinder was sponsored by Dame Marguerite Pindling.
Bismark Coakley, retired businessman, became an MBE as did Insurance Executive
Marvin Bethel MBE.
BIS Photos/Peter Ramsay
The National Chairman, the Hon. Bradley Roberts and Mrs Roberts host PYL Reception
Saturday 18th December at the home of Bradley Roberts, PLP Chair :the all
day rain competed for the attention of the PYL members, friends and Advisers
who fellowshipped while enjoying the beautiful setting; the strictly native
delicacies,pastries and desserts, certainly challenged ones diet regime and
began the season for enjoying the festive delights.PLP Party Leader, the Rt.
Hon. Perry G Christie and the Hon. Philip Brave Davis, Deputy Leader, stopped
by to extend Christmas greetings and express their regards for PYL. National
Chairman Roberts in welcoming PYL, expressed his recognition of their contributions
to a Better Bahamas; he urged them to exceed all expectations as they go about
preparing to become the next generation of Nation builders. Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year to all,from PYL. The photos are by Athama
The Nassau Renaissance Singers continued their Christmas music traditions
this year under the direction of Audrey Wright who succeeded the late Pauline
Glasby as its director last year who had succeeded the late E. Clement Bethel.
A fundraiser was held at the home of Senator Allyson Gibson and her husband
Max for the singers who gave their Christmas concert. The event took place
on Monday 13th December. Amongst those in attendance were Fred Mitchell MP
for Fox Hill, the Chinese and Swiss Ambassadors to The Bahamas. A great time
was had by all.
Photos/Peter Ramsay
Holiday Greetings from the Deputy Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party,
Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis M.P.
My fellow Bahamians,
Christmas is once again here. This is the time when we celebrate the gift of Christ in the lives of our friends and family. I know that many of us are finding it difficult to get into the Christmas Spirit. The challenges that we have faced and continue to face have taken their toll on all of us.
We have witnessed record unemployment and its unfortunate consequence – an increase in violence. Far too many of our countrymen have lost their lives in an unnecessary battle to ride out this recession.
The economic downturn, coupled with a daunting lack of hope also claimed the lives of too many of our brothers and sisters to suicide.
In moments when things may seem bleak, I ask you to be brave as we look to a new year that brings with it the hope of a bright future.
I encourage you to let us march forward and look toward two thousand and eleven with a great promise. The trials we have embraced this past year are almost over.
To my constituents, the great people of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador, your perseverance and resilience are a beacon that serves as a model throughout the country. You are an inspiration to my family and me and at this time I say, Thank You. I also take this opportunity to wish you Season’s Greetings and God’s blessings in the year ahead.
In this past year of highs and lows we cannot forget the eight men who tragically lost their lives in a tragic plane crash this past October. All were well known members and friends of our community and their loss still echoes in my heart and the hearts of their loved ones. I ask you to be brave and know that God’s purpose, while not known to us, is always best.
This holiday season let us not forget to reach back to assist and uplift those who have fallen on hard times and despair. Let us all this holiday turn to them, our brothers and sisters, and lend a helping hand. Let us all remember them in our prayers. We are one Bahamas!
During this blessed season as we reflect on the grace of God, let us also personally assess our lives and its impact on each other. Let us grow together as a nation economically and spiritually as we celebrate God’s gift of his son and welcome a new year.
My family and I wish all Bahamians a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Below are videos of MP Philip Brave Davis on the Sawyer Report last evening...
These were adde to Facebook:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Britain urged to restore constitutional government in Turks and Caicos
GEORGETOWN, Guyana -- Sir Edwin Carrington, Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
secretary-general on Friday called on the United Kingdom, through its newly
accredited Plenipotentiary Representative, Paul Brummell, to restore constitutional
government in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Speaking on Friday at the Georgetown, Guyana Headquarters of the CARICOM Secretariat,
Carrington said that the Community saw the UK’s imposition of indefinite
direct rule in that associate member of the Community as being “totally
at odds with the development of good governance, including improved fiscal
and administrative management, in the Turks and Caicos Islands.”
CARICOM Secretary General Edwin Carrington
“CARICOM contends that those objectives of Her Majesty’s Government
cannot be met by the continued effective disenfranchisement of the Turks and
Caicos Islanders or by the denial of their inalienable right to shape their
own future,” he said.
For this reason, he said that CARICOM looked forward to the restoration by
the UK’s new administration of the “islanders’ full franchise.”
The secretary-general noted that the Community and the UK had benefited over
the years, from “frank and open dialogue” and had “co-operated
constructively” in defence of common values such as good governance,
democracy; respect for the rule of law and for the basic, inalienable rights
of all peoples.
“We must strive to remain guardians of these all too fragile and important
tenets of modern civilization. It is in all of our interests,” Carrington
The CARICOM secretary-general said that the 7th meeting of the CARICOM-UK
Forum due to be held in 2011 in Grenada, the first meeting between CARICOM
foreign ministers and new foreign secretary of the UK, William Hague, should
be a “most fruitful opportunity” for the strengthening of UK-Caribbean
Former Athlete and Reservist Craig Hepburn Freed From Sex Charges
On 13th December, the prosecution in the case brought against Craig Hepburn,
national record holder in the long jump, for unlawful sexual intercourse with
minors was dropped by the prosecution for lack of evidence and Mr. Hepburn
was discharged. Magistrate Guillimina Archer discharged Mr. Hepburn and he
was free to leave. Mr. Hepburn said that he was relieved that his innocence
had been affirmed and hoped that this will now clear his name and allow him
to continue with his life. He thanked all those who continued to believe in
him during his ordeal especially his employers and his family members.
Impressed By Leon Williams
Congratulations to Leon Williams for his stout defence of the public policy
on BTC, which is; the company can be sold and owned by Bahamians.
The Suicide Hotline
It is a sign of the times that the Minister of Social Development Dion Foulkes
has announced that there is a Suicide Hotline now installed by his Ministry
to deal with the growing tide of suicides in the country. Well, this is FNM
country at the moment, almost 100 murders this year alone and a rising suicide
The Top Of The Waldorf And Richard Holbrook
He was a wealthy man and spent a lifetime in the US diplomatic service mainly
working for Democratic presidents. They say that if Hillary Clinton had won
the Presidency, he would have been her Secretary of State. Instead, Barrack
Obama won and appointed him a special envoy on Afghanistan and Pakistan. He
worked tirelessly on the cause. What we remember is that he was the Ambassador
to the United Nations who would not live at the top floor of the Waldorf Hotel
in Manhattan that is the official residence of UN Ambassadors for the United
States. He said it was too small and took his own money and got a huge house
out in New Jersey and commuted to work in Manhattan. He died suddenly last
week and was mourned by his colleagues but remembered mainly for his indefatigable
work in brokering the Dayton peace accords that brought an end to the war
in the Balkans.
Missouri Sherman Peter Resigns
Last week, one of the blogs reported that A. Missouri Sherman Peter, Permanent
Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, resigned her post. No statement
from the government on why or if it is true. The only thing we have heard
is that Mrs. Sherman Peter believed that she was disrespected at a function
to which she was invited as a public official and turned in her resignation
as a result of it. Both she and the government should clarify this issue.
Voices Bahamian
One of the biggest laughs on Facebook last week was the FNM site ‘Voices
Bahamian’ quoting the section on criminal libel from the penal code
and warning those who use Facebook that they can be prosecuted for libelling
someone on the web. All we can say is, physician heal thyself. Voices Bahamians
is the biggest offender and should look for the police to come looking for
them shortly.
Mitchell Addresses The Caucus
Fred Mitchell MP addressed the PLP Pressure Group called the Caucus on Tuesday
14th December at the Anatol Rodgers School. He spoke on leadership and the
tactics that the PLP has to employ to win the next general election.
Kevin Harris Mr. Gospel FNM Says
On his posting on Facebook on Thursday 16th December: “I was shocked
when I read that the Police had to use their batons on some BTC and union
members yesterday. This is the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and not a Communist
Country. I believe it was wrong and bad judgment to erect the barricades in
the first place. Bahamians should always have access to the public square
to voice their concerns and confront their leaders for answers. This is a
(Things that make you go: hmmm! No PLP government would have done any such
thing. And if the PLP had done so, Mr. Harris would have been on the radio,
gospel and all, denouncing the PLP in the name of God. – Editor)
Latrae Playful Mood On facebook
The leader of the Youth Advisory Group of the PLP 17 year old Latrae Rahming
sent a message on Facebook to Dr Hubert Minnis, the Minister of Health asking
if he could use his official car for a few minutes. He posted a picture to
prove the request. No word on whether Dr, Minnis approved the request.
Ian Strachan Declares A Tie
In his weekly column last week, Ian Strachan, the Assistant Professor at the
College of The Bahamas thought that there were several issues that affected
the main political parties that he needed to examine and see how they will
affect the party’s fortunes. He did not support the PLP in the last
election and generally does not support the PLP. He says in his analysis:
three advantages for the PLP, three for the FNM and two ties. So he thinks
that the election result is a tossup.
Supt. Rodney Burrows (Retired) Rev. Rodney Burrows (Retired)
He has written a book called ‘Destiny’ about his life as a humble
man from Inagua and on to become a police superintendent. Retired policeman
and priest Rev. Rodney Burrows launched the book at a special ceremony and
reception at the headquarters of the Royal Bahamas Police Force in the presence
of the Anglican Bishop Laish Boyd and the Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade.
The master of ceremonies for the occasion was fellow Inaguan Archdeacon James
Palacious. Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill and Loretta Butler Turner, the Minister
of State for Social Development were there for the event on Wednesday 15th
The Injunction Against BTC Union
We found it extraordinary that the newspaper reported that Justice Bernard
Turner in hearing the case by the Union to lift an ex parte injunction (granted
after hearing only the government’s side) told the Union that if he
does not make a decision about the case by 23rd December, it is unlikely that
he will make a decision before next year. Something must be wrong with that.
Here is the lawful right of assembly and free speech being stopped by the
state by the coercive power of an ex parte injunction. An inter partes hearing
should come about quickly and the judge ought to be in a position to make
and should make the decision with dispatch and without delay. We assume that
the Nassau Guardian simply is not reporting this correctly. There has to be
something fundamentally wrong with restraining the right of free speech and
assembly in this manner. The Judge ought to be asked to recuse himself if
he does not have the time to deal with it or simply make a decision and the
parties can go the Court of Appeal if one of the parties thinks that the judge
got it wrong, but the status quo is unacceptable where free speech and the
right to assembly is being restrained.
Seatbelt Law Comes Into Force
Imagine; there is a controversy in The Bahamas about a seatbelt law coming
into force. The law has been on the books for years. It was never enforced.
The PLP passed a new law that softened the penalties and changed some of the
requirements for taxis. The FNM has ignored the new law and has simply brought
into force the old law. The country is mutedly upset. The seat belt law should
have been enforced a long time ago. The fines are too high however and need
to be revised. The seatbelt law caused a laugh amongst House members. Some
say the House was suspended so abruptly on Wednesday 5th December (see Comment
of The Week) that the Prime Minister didn’t even have time to put his
seatbelt on he was moving so fast.
Acting Secretary General For Caricom
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Chairman Bruce Golding Friday announced that
Deputy Secretary-General, Ambassador Lolita Applewhaite, will act as Secretary-General
of the 15-member regional grouping from January 1 next year. Thre present
Seceratry General Edwin Carrington retires on 1st January after 18 years as
Sturat Bowe
It seems like only yesterday that he was a student the College of The Bahamas
but today he is the head of the Bahamas Hotel Association. Stuart Bowe who
is the General Manager at the Coral Towers, Atlantis is the man. Congraulations.
This is quite a small point but an important one. You know the western
democracies were all busy a few weeks ago attacking China for seeking to cut
off access to the World Wide Web, otherwise known as the internet. The
western countries led by the United States said that they want the web to
be free and that there ought to be access to all. They argue that the
Chinese government was engaged in censorship and that China ought to conform
to 21st century western standards of behaviour, which include the right to
dissent and the right to material that the state might find objectionable.
It is against this background then that one is highly amused at the efforts of the US government and other commercial enterprises to stop Wikileaks from operating because they have been leaking US State Department classified documents to the press.
So far, there is no great damage to the national security of the United States or any other country for that matter. It just seems like a bunch of gossip in private cables sent back to the US by their diplomats. Maybe embarrassing for some, maybe titillating for others, but hardly earth shattering. Much ado about nothing really.
The Bahamas has to get in on the show as well. The Tribune ran a story last week in which it said that there was a Bahamian group that would have the right to disseminate the information that Wikileaks had on The Bahamas. They went further and said that the reason that the PLP and the FNM were so quiet was because they stood in dread of what the cables would say.
What hogwash! The PLP has nothing to fear about any private cables sent to the US government about the PLP or any personality. Whatever comes, comes.
The more important and general point of public importance is that if we believe in a free democratic society, why would we be concerned about some silly cable traffic being leaked to the news media?
What all the efforts of the establishment to actually stop the disclosure and then shut down the site itself tell us is that governments harbour ill intent toward the web and one day even the western democracies can and will shut down the web if it suits their political purposes: calling it of course - what else - national security. Bull crap!
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 11th December 2010 up to midnight: 139,529.
Number of hits for the month of December up to Saturday 11th December 2010 up to midnight: 202,419.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 11th December 2010 up to midnight: 7,632,032.
Despite being defeated in the Trade Union elections, John
Pinder has not learned to stop using double speak. Instead of saying
what other unionists have said about opposing the sale of the Bahamas Telecommunications
Company Ltd., Mr. Pinder is equivocating. The statement published in
The Tribune on Friday 10th December does not answer the question of whether
or not the Bahamas Public Services Union is going to support the BTC workers.
Here is what The Tribune said that John Pinder, as president
of the Bahamas Public Service Union said, “We don't want to make this look
like this is a union issue. The trade union movement is leading in the
education to the general public on this company - its ownership and performance
throughout the region - we think that the rest of the Bahamian population
should be involved and do their own research and find out so that we can all
come together to determine whether or not we think this is the best way to
go and if it's not, we ought to sign a petition against it and try to get
the government to change their mind on it while it's still at the stage of
Things that make you go: hmmm!
Jennifer Isaacs-Dotson, president of the National Congress
of Trade Unions in The Bahamas, said: “The unions didn't know what was going
on because they were not a part of the actual committee that was responsible
for privatisation. Evans and Carroll (BTC union leaders) were a part
of the advisory committee, but the decision to sign the MOU did not even come
to that committee.”
We believe that this is not a time for deliberation.
This is a time for action. The sale of this aspect of our national patrimony
must be stopped. These traitors must be defeated and stopped in their
Here is what Dion Foulkes, the labour minister was reported
to have said: “I wish to encourage labour leaders throughout the country to
approach this issue from a very mature point of view and not to take any actions
that would damage The Bahamas, generally, and that would damage industrial
relations between unions and their employers. I would also encourage
all union leaders in the country to follow the legal process, and the legal
process is that before any strike can take place there must be a strike vote
that is certified by the Department of Labour and that is monitored by the
One supposes a Minister of Labour has to say that, but
the government must come to understand the full nature of the resentment over
this exercise. The government’s spokesmen are increasingly obtuse when
it comes to this. Zhivargo Laing, the Minister of State, tried in his
statement on the issue to pollute the issue by suggesting that it was all
politically motivated. That was a line that Senator Michael Halkitis
answered in the Senate when he told the FNM’s Minister of Labour who was trotting
out the same line on Thursday 8th December that the trade union movement brought
freedom to our country, so the PLP was free to support the work of trade unions
and attend any meetings that they had.
The Members of Parliament of the Progressive Liberal Party
were present in numbers at the public meeting of the Bahamas Communications
and Public Officer’s Union on the privatization of the Bahamas Telecommunications
Company Ltd., the government owned phone company. If the zeal with which
the matter was addressed by the National Congress of Trade Unions (NCTU) under
their new leadership is anything to go by, the PLP can have the courage to
vote no when this matter comes up for debate in the House of Assembly at the
end of January. The photos of the meeting are by Athama Bowe.
The meeting took place on Wednesday 8th December.
Photos/Athama Bowe
Roberts, the PLP’s Chairman issued the following statement in response to
comments made by Neil Hartnell, The Tribune’s Business Editor, about the PLP’s
position on the privatization of BTC.
“The Tribune failed miserably to live up to its motto when
it refused to publish any information from my address at the PLP’s Town Meeting
on BTC. The Tribune also failed to carry an Ad on the meeting, which was paid
in advance but instead decided to publish weeks later an OPINION on my address,
which I read with much interest. This is clear discrimination by a media outlet
that’s licensed to serve the public news.
“I ask the following questions in regards to Hartnell’s
“Is Mr. Hartnell of The Tribune suggesting that the
$212 Million profit that BTC made while at the time myself and the Honourable
Marcus Bethel were Ministers during 2002 to 2007, compared to $112 Million
BTC earned while the FNM was in charge (1994 -2002). Was this a fable?
“Is Mr. Hartnell suggesting that when the FNM left office
in 2002 that the $4.7 Million in BTC’s bank account was a fable? When the
FNM returned to office in 2007 the $130 Million they found in the BTC bank
account was that also a fable?
“I am aware Mr. Hartnell that the rule of thumb in the
Telecom Industry is that when liberalization is introduced the Incumbent loses
30% of market share. This rule applies to privately owned Telcos or Government
owned Telcos. Except in the case of LIME (C&W) Jamaica where a company
with little or no experience in Telecoms (Digicel) took 60% plus of Market
share from C&W a privately owned Telco who had been in the business for
140 years.
“Mr. Hartnell I am aware that:
“In 2000 BTC's Revenues for International Long Distance
calls were $103 Million while the Revenues for the same stream in 2007 were
just $27 Million.
“In 2000 BTC had 32,000 Cellular Customers and 114,000
“BTC now has 330,000 plus Cellular customers and 134,000
Land Lines.
“65% + of BTC's revenues come from Wireless.
“There are no Long Distance companies existing in the
world today.
“Did you read the Profile of C&W? The profile indicates
that C&W have 600,000 Broadband customers, 1.8 Million Land Lines and
8.1 Million Cellular customers. Does this suggest that C&W is a Wireless
“C&W's Financial Interim Report for the First Half
2011 published November 4, 2010 indicates that all major Key Financial Indicators
for the Caribbean have gone south. And, this follows a similar report of decreases
for 2010. C&W Jamaica has experienced losses of J$3 Billion plus in the
last three consecutive years. Does this mean that C&W is approaching "Junk
“Two months ago it was rumoured that AT&T was about
to purchase C&W and a week after the AT&T rumour a new rumour emerged
that SingTel (Singapore Telecommunications) was going to purchase C&W.
Does this suggest that C&W has a problem?
“Up to 8 years ago C&W:
Clayton Greene who heads the former governing party in
the Turks and Caicos Islands was in Nassau over the past week for a series
of meetings to mobilize support for the return of democracy in his country.
The British overlords suspended democracy in that country in 2009 in response
to a Commission of Inquiry. The PLP has opposed the decision of the
British, but the oppression of the Turks people continues. While in
Nassau, Mr. Greene appeared on Wendall Jones show The Platform; he met with
Opposition MPs Fred Mitchell, Ryan Pinder and Alfred Sears. He met the
Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie.
Mr. Greene also took the opportunity to meet with Turks and Caicos Islanders
in Nassau. The British position can be found in this
Foreign and Commonwealth Office report. We think that the British
are wrong and should return full democracy to the Turks and Caicos Islands
without delay.
The Free National Movement was exercised about the statement issued by the
PLP in response to their meeting with executives of Cable and Wireless, the
company that wants to buy the Bahamian telephone company. We think that
the PLP should have the courage to vote no in this matter. The FNM’s
statement tried to sully the issue with the fact that Philip Davis was the
lawyer for Bluewater, the last company that had a deal under the PLP to purchase
a minority share in the company for 260 million dollars. Mr. Davis issued
this statement in response to the FNM’s statement:
“I find it indeed incredible to see members of the Free
National Movement engage in the political masquerading with deflections of
the facts on BTC at a time when the future of workers all across this country
hang in the balance.
“Firstly, it should be made clear that my colleagues
and I did not initiate the meeting between Cable and Wireless representatives
Sharon Brown and David Shaw.
“At the outset of the meeting on Wednesday, I declared
my interest as the former legal representative for Blue Water, a group with
considerable expertise and access to cutting edge technology in the global
telecommunications sector, who had placed a bid for the Corporation’s 49%
minority stake under the former Christie Government.
“That aside, it was clear from our meeting that the
representatives of Cable and Wireless were unable to share with our delegation
any details of the “secret deal” and have failed to explain the Memorandum
of Understanding.
“Cable and Wireless representatives were unable to explain
the role The Bahamas will play in its overall Caribbean network or give direction
as to how hundreds of employees at BTC will be impacted. They called
the meeting, yet they had no answers!
“My colleagues and I find it very strange that the Prime
Minister of the Bahamas speaks of being open on matters of national concern,
but yet practices high-level corporate secrecy, and lacks the needed transparency
and openness in the sale of this most valuable public asset.
“The Ingraham Government has yet to provide a list of
bidders for the purchase of the profitable asset and their bids nor could
they explain how they came to the conclusions how some 30% of the Bahamian
workforce at BTC will be made jobless. When we sat with Cable and Wireless
yesterday, they explained they had not completed plans for staff.
“No one has spoken to the tens of Millions in liabilities
of the BTC pension fund and how this sale will affect the hardworking staff
members who have given so many years of services to our country through BTC.
They expect to receive their pensions and should not be held responsible for
the shortfall caused by the Prime Minister’s reckless first attempt to privatize
the corporation almost 10 years ago.
“This Government has yet to tell us how a former executive
of Cable and Wireless who now heads URCA will regulate their operations in
the Bahamas in the interest of the Bahamian consumer and not Cable and Wireless.
It is clear that the Bahamian people and the workers at BTC are the ones who
have been dealt a deadly blow
“Plans by the FNM Government to sell 51% majority control
of BTC is a bad deal, and to sell the public asset far below its market value
is indeed reckless to say the least and cannot be justified as being in the
public interest.
“The Ingraham Government should know that as the Government
of the Bahamas that they have a sacred duty to look after the well being of
Bahamians - the protection of jobs should be priority one.
“Unlike the PLP, The FNM government continues to be
led down a blind path by abdicating this responsibility and appears hell-bent
on signing a deal with Cable and Wireless knowing that much needed jobs will
be lost. In fact, they have made it their mantra to fire workers, in this
second term in office as done recently at The Broadcasting Corporation of
the Bahamas and in the Police, Immigration and Customs departments.
“Additionally, rather than focusing their energies on
the PLP and myself, the Government should confirm or deny if there is a finder’s
fee being collected in the sale of BTC. Who is the person collecting that
fee, and what is the percentage being collected on the sale? The government
should also come clean and state, whether a member of the board at BTC is
indeed the beneficiary.
“My colleagues and I find it shocking to see the FNM
machine focus on us while they avoid explaining the facts to the Bahamian
people. Our people deserve better!”
On Sunday 5th December, Ryan Pinder MP PLP released the following statement
on behalf of the PLP in response to the fairy tale speech of Hubert Ingraham,
the Prime Minister on the economy. No newspaper except the Bahama Journal
covered Mr. Pinder’s statement. When the Nassau Guardian was called
for an explanation, they said that they were not under an obligation to publish
it. Herewith the statement:
Hon. L. Ryan Pinder Member of Parliament Elizabeth Constituency Press
Statement on the Economy
December 5, 2010
“I read with anticipation the Prime Minister’s speech
Thursday evening on the state of the economy, hoping to understand definitive
plans and policies of the Bahamian Government with respect to the advancement
of our economy. Sadly I was disappointed as it offered nothing new or
progressive for the country. After a review of the Prime Minister’s
speech, it further reiterated to me the difference between the PLP and FNM
when it comes to the economy of the Bahamas. The FNM is satisfied with
the same as usual, while the PLP, based on its track record in governance,
and the plans and policies for the future demonstrate a national plan and
vision for the Bahamas.
Reaction to Prime Minister Speech
“The Prime Minister represented to the Bahamian people
that “signs of economic recovery are evident in the Bahamas” and he largely
based this conclusion on the economic climate in the United States and on
miss-guided statistics. In fact, the Prime Minister stated “a modest
rate of increase in the U.S. economy” is “early signs of an economic recovery.”
Unfortunately, the Prime Minister is no economist. In fact, there are
distinct indicators that the U.S. economy is not experiencing a “modest rate
of increase”.
“Even though consumer spending numbers are up in the
U.S., as the Prime Minister points out, unemployment in the United States
is increasing, and the private sector is not hiring. In fact, the Wall
Street Journal, just the other day on December 3rd, points out that “The U.S.
economy added fewer jobs than expected in November, and the unemployment rate
rose to its highest level since April, indicating the economic recovery remains
weak…” It is acknowledged that job creation is the most significant
problem that the United States economy faces. I make this point not
to be gloom and doom and the bearer of bad news, but to point out that it
is unfair for the Prime Minister to grasp onto one statistic such as consumer
spending and then forecast the turnaround in the United States, and as a result,
the Bahamian economy because of it. This is misleading to the Bahamian
public. The U.S. economy is clearly in flux, maybe showing signs of
recovery, also showing signs of instability.
“I was also disappointed that the Prime Minister did
not articulate an economic vision that would not only explain to the Bahamian
people, how we were going to create additional employment opportunities, but
also how he was going to address the significant issues related to the financial
state of affairs of the country, including the escalating debt of the country,
and the contracting GDP of the country. This is where the Progressive Liberal
Party differs from the Free National Movement. Unlike this FNM Government,
whose economic model continues to be tied directly and exclusively to foreign
direct investment, tourism and the U.S. economy, the Progressive Liberal Party
governed and created policies for economic expansion, for the development
of a national economic plan.
PLP Economic Plan under Rt. Honourable Perry G. Christie
and Beyond
“The economic vision of the Progressive Liberal Party
when Mr. Christie was Prime Minister was modelled around the promotion of
anchor developments throughout the Bahamas. This was a fundamental component
of the PLP Government’s national economic plan. Not only is it a national
promotion and development of the tourist product, but it was also based on
the need to create mini-economies throughout the Bahamas where other businesses
and industry could thrive, creating linkages between entrepreneurial endeavours
with significant tourist products throughout the islands.
“This would be the first step. The PLP understands the
need to have a comprehensive plan on how we will designate industry throughout
our archipelago to take advantage of historical expertise but to allow specific
islands to thrive in specific industries. An example of this would be handicraft
manufacturing in Long Island, which is historically known for their handicraft
artisans. This will require an analysis of the handicraft market, and
the promotion of necessary infrastructure such as a manufacturing facility
and training. We have committed to a long term relationship with China; it
just so happens they have an expertise in manufacturing these types of products
so the Bahamas can request technical assistance in the area of institutional
training and expertise.
“Likewise, different islands have different environments.
There should be an aggressive policy of promoting agriculture throughout the
family islands, but in a well-planned and researched manner where agricultural
products are grown in environments where they may thrive. Agriculture
also requires an aggressive approach to re-education in modern farming techniques.
We can once again be a jurisdiction with a thriving agricultural industry,
but we must be committed with effective analysis and planning.
“The PLP will also promote the creation of sustainable
industries in which the Bahamas can be regional leaders. The PLP advocates
the development of a trade agenda, based on our commitment to trade agreements
such as the EPA and the WTO. The Bahamas is perfectly positioned, geographically
and with its infrastructure to be a dominant force in international trade.
A commitment to international trade will provide expansion and development
of the following inter-connected industries:
Recommendations of the PLP to the Government of the Bahamas
“We believe that it does little good to sit here and
merely point out the deficiencies of this Government. We believe that as we
prepare to be the next government of the Bahamas, it is our obligation to
not only prepare our platform for when we are the Government, but to also
provide our suggestions to the best way forward right now for the country.
“The PLP calls on the Government to immediately appoint
a bi-partisan advisory Committee. This “Economic Committee” will be
charged with the analysis of our current economic model to provide a report
addressing the following goals: 1) expansion of the economy to form new industries,
and the further development of our current industries; 2) a model of sustainable
economic expansion that will provide on average 15,000 new, sustainable and
permanent private sector jobs every year for Bahamians for the foreseeable
future; and 3) a reformed tax structure that, coupled with a program of economic
expansion, will generate the necessary government revenues to create a surplus
to pay down the Government debt, while lowering the tax burden for all Bahamians.
“This report will form the foundation of a National
Economic Plan. As part of such plan, we need to expand our economy in order
to provide the necessary revenues to operate the Government, because without
the Government able to function, it matters not how many tourists or foreign
direct investment is in the Bahamas.
“Government Revenues, Deficits and Debt Not too long ago, the Prime Minister
admitted that the Bahamian Government is borrowing to pay the salaries of
civil servants. The deficit year after year is increasing at an alarming rate.
The debt of the country seems to be increasing exponentially, yet there are
no plans put forward on how this Government will address this concern. We
are all concerned about the growing debt, I believe even the Prime Minister
is concerned about the growing debt. There are only two ways for a Government
to pay down the debt, generate a surplus, which the Bahamas Government hasn’t
done in over a decade, or sell assets of the State to pay debt, something
we are currently witnessing with the sale of BTC.
“I argue that with a policy of economic growth and a
true dedication to a National Economic Plan, we as a country can be in a situation
where a growing economy can generate the necessary tax revenues, at a lower
overall tax rate, to create surpluses necessary to pay down the growing debt
burden. Addressing this issue is a significant concern. Addressing it
in a way that does not result in limited opportunities for Bahamians paying
higher taxes is a necessity; it frankly must be done.
“So in conclusion, it is important that I reiterate
that it is unfair to the Bahamian people for the Prime Minister and the Government
to reference isolated indicators of the U.S. economy to support a hypothesis
that the economy in the Bahamas is improving. The Bahamas has serious economic
issues confronting it and without clear policies on how we will rise out of
these obvious challenges, the state of the country may deteriorate further.
We as Bahamians need to unite and rally behind an economic revolution for
the benefit of all. The PLP advocates for this bi-partisan approach during
these dire and challenging times.”
We think that this story about privatization in Panama and the company Cable
and Wireless which is to buy the Bahamian company Bahamas Telecommunications
Company Ltd. is instructive of why the PLP should have the courage to vote
no when the matter of selling BTC to Cable and Wireless comes to the House.
Please click here for the story from the
World Press Review.
We have said repeatedly on this site that the PLP must
find the courage to vote no when the vote comes to the House of Assembly on
the divestment of the Bahamas Telecommunications Corporation, the government
owned telephone company. The reasons are legion, but you still have
some people who are confusing the situation of the issue of competition with
the question of being government owned. We already have a model in The
Bank of The Bahamas, which shows that the government can own the bank but
there can be privately held shares and competition. This is a no-brainer
to us, but yet you hear the FNM trotting out silly arguments about what the
PLP did in office, which are completely irrelevant to the point. A correspondent
provided this analysis about the failure of the Margaret Thatcher and Ronald
Reagan models in the year 2010. We commend it to you.
I read where senior members of the parliamentary
group met with the representatives of C&W. It is good form to do so but
it does not change the position that the company will be the new owners of
BTC. But it is a matter that the PLP must not let go gently into that good
The PLP's position has been well framed and vigorously
presented in public forum but the PLP's policy position should be based on
more fundamental arguments from which hopefully a telecommunications policy
will emerge:
The era of privatization is long gone and as you would
see from a recent article in the Economist, most governments are getting back
into the business of public ownership and intervention in the market place,
especially after the shock of the financial meltdown.
Privatization and its role in public policy
Fundamentally, there is no reason for the sale of BTC
at this time. The era of the trend towards the sale of state assets
is long past and it was an economic and political experiment on which the
jury is still out. The driving political philosophy behind the sale of public
assets was twofold: (i) the prevailing view of monetarist economists and public
policy pundits, characterized by politicians such as Margaret Thatcher (Sir
Keith Joseph was her guru) and Ronald Reagan (Milton Friedman was his guru)
that the government had no in the marketplace, and (ii) there needed to be
a more competitive environment in the marketplace and there was no role for
monopolies which by their very nature were inefficient, uncompetitive and
was a drain on the public purse because of the need for continuous financial
subventions from the public purse.
This philosophy led to the massive sell off state enterprises
commonly known as “privatization”. In the process, it made some individuals
very wealthy but the process also led to greater competition and may have
had an effect in driving down prices to the consumer. There are two things
worth noting about this process – privatization occurred quickly and there
was an uptick in competition. The result was more airlines, more power
companies, breakup of telephone companies into smaller and more efficient
units. There were adverse effects too. The rights of the workers were trampled
on in terms of benefits, security of tenure and lower wages. There was unevenness
in terms of service application. Services, such as telecommunications
and electricity were not available to certain regions and communities considered
to be unprofitable and unbridled market forces prevailed. For a time all went
The interesting thing about this scenario was that it
unfolded in large economies which could withstand the shock and where sufficient
capital existed for the average consumer and groups such as trade unions and
others to access these emerging markets and purchase stocks in new companies.
The other aspect of this is that the economies were sufficiently large to
allow for competition and viable, transparent and independent regulatory institutions
existed and responded to the needs of the business sector while setting standards
and ensuring the protection of the consumer.
I fear that none of these conditions exist in The Bahamas
and the sale of BTC seems motivated by no other public policy than the FNM
Government said it would sell it and they have gone along on done so. Can
they realistically explain why it has been sold and at such a rock bottom
price? I do not think so because if they attempted to do so they will fail
on every one of the yardsticks mentioned above.
On this basis it was not a wise move to sell BTC, a
viable and productive concern. What was the fundamental reason for the sale?
We in The Bahamas are doing something that is at least
15 years outmoded. In its heyday, the concept driving privatization was competitiveness.
In other words Government should not be operating state monopolies.
Privatization was supposed to have led to greater competition and an opening
up of the market place. We in The Bahamas have done something that is entirely
against public policy; we have privatized a monopoly but we have not allowed
for other competition. In short a public monopoly has been replaced by a private
one and if there is to be a monopoly then ideally it should be a parastatal
which at least will be driven by public concerns as well as business principles.
In terms of competitiveness the situation remains the same and will become
progressively worse. Now if everything fails (as I predict it will) then the
Bahamian consumer will be left without any viable options, as we have not
levelled the playing field so as to allow a competitive environment for telecommunications
in The Bahamas. As an example of the advancing technology, it is predicted
that by 2020 the last line in the USA will be eliminated... How, therefore,
are dealing with the advances in telecommunication technology? Does this company
have the resources to invest in new technology?
As an appropriate example I am also attaching the telecommunication
policy for New Zealand, which as we will all recall was at the forefront of
the drive to sell off everything. You will note that they are reversing their
position and are concerned about access and have taken action to allow government
intervention in telecommunications in rural areas.
I regret that we are following the fashion of privatization
too late and all for the wrong reasons.
The PLP should be direct and not prevaricate on this
and affirm that on coming back to office it will reverse the sale. It must
say something a bit stronger than expressing disappointment. Put the argument
in the affirmative. A PLP government will reverse the sale. This is not to
say that there will not be room for private enterprise, BUT, they will have
to be prepared to ante up seed capital and invest in their business. Cable
and Wireless on the other hand will be taking over a well oiled and function
entity and will not put a penny of money into new technology.
The PLP’s policy on telecommunication should be developed
along the above lines and it should be announced at the earliest.
On Saturday 11th December, Camari Magazine hosted a reception
for its second edition, which features an inviting picture of Bahamian Olympic
Gold medallist Tonique Williams Darling. We thought the picture said
it all.
As the national murder rate inches closer and closer to
100 for the year, which will be a first for The Bahamas, police have solved
one of the most brutal murders, the second in the island of Abaco for the
year. Stanley Saintville was killed on Monday 6th December after allegedly
collecting 55,000 dollars from a web shop where he had won a bet.
Someone followed Mr. Saintville and went to his home with
the intention of robbing him, an argument ensued it is alleged between his
girlfriend and the alleged killer in seeking to take the gun away and Mr.
Saintville is dead. The girlfriend and their baby were shot critically
and had to be flown into Nassau where they are still in hospital. The
police have recovered the $55,000 dollars.
A couple of things. This is a Haitian family and
Haitian families are still vulnerable to this kind of attack in The Bahamas
because of their status. Secondly, it appears that more and more the
so-called web shops, where the numbers are played in The Bahamas are becoming
targets for crime, with people staging robberies of the places themselves
and robbing the patrons after their winnings. It begs again the question
of why the government will not licence these establishments and regulate what
they do. If this kind of criminal activity continues, the country and
the government cannot continue to turn a blind eye to it. We again call
on these establishments to be legalized.
Jack Hayward is still just one half of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, the
owners of the city of Freeport, but he has a mouth that is certainly all over
the place and would give you the impression that he is large and in charge.
Most people and this includes his children, think of him as a twit with not
a nickel’s worth of sense but plenty money. That apparently gives him
the right to talk and say anything he likes.
Sir Jack was in the press last week at a press conference
to say how unhappy he was about the fact that even though the Port was building
a new four million dollar bridge (the old bridge worries him sleepless in
the night), the Port was leaderless because his man Hannes Babak was denied
a work permit by one man and not the Government. This was a reference
to the fact that the Prime Minister told Mr. Babak in the presence of Sir
Albert Miller, the former Port Chair, that when his work permit from 2006
to 2009 expired, it would not be renewed because the government did not think
that he was the right person to head the Port.
While we agree that Mr. Babak is not the right person to
head the Port, the problem is a policy one. The policy is that a man
who has a business in The Bahamas has the right to ask for a work permit for
his top employee to mind his business and so if Jack Hayward wants Babak then
Babak it is. There is no public policy reason to deny it since the man
is already a Permanent Resident.
Sir Jack said that he did not think that the government
was doing its best to improve the economy of Freeport. Well that got
under the skin of Zhivargo Laing who is now, doubtless to his longer term
detriment, the chief promoter of FNM policies. The Minister of State
replied that Sir Jack’s remarks were silly, insulting and offensive.
He said that if the Port depends on Hannes Babak to manage its fortunes then
its management was not worth two dimes. Harsh words. Great stuff!
This should further drive the rich man into the hands of the enemy.
The PLP must be salivating at the possibilities of Jack
Hayward and his many millions making sure that the death knell of the FNM
is sounded in Freeport and in Grand Bahama. We are more sanguine and
wonder if the price would be worth it.
Here is how The Tribune reported what Sir Jack had to say
on Monday 6th December:
Sir Jack Hayward, one of the principal
owners of the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA), said the Government's decision
not to renew the work permit of former chairman Hannes Babak has left the
organisation "leaderless".
Sir Jack also noted that some of the big projects
that Mr. Babak was working to bring to Freeport are now "gathering dust".
He said the Port Authority was doing its best to improve the economy of Freeport.
"We are working on things," he told reporters on
Friday at a press conference announcing the Port's plans to start construction
of a new $4 million bridge at the Grand Bahama Highway.
"We are a bit leaderless without Hannes Babak, who
has been denied a work permit, of course, without any explanation."
Sir Jack said Mr. Babak had been working on bringing several major projects
for Freeport, including an LNG plant, a second rock dredging company, a refinery,
and a new cement plant.
"The projects are gathering dust. He flew to Texas
several times for an LNG plant to provide cheap electricity to Grand Bahama,
Abaco, and also for export to Florida. That was one project that was looking
very promising," Sir Jack said.
"But the Government denied his work permit, no explanation
to me or to us (the Port); just did it arbitrarily. I think one man, I don't
think the Government, but... we are missing, obviously, his input and we need
that; we need someone."
Mr. Babak, a native of Austria, was appointed GBPA
chairman on June 1, 2006. His work permit expired in December 2009, and was
not renewed by the Government.
According to an article published in January in Tribune
Business, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham himself confirmed that he had personally
informed Mr. Babak during a meeting at which Sir Albert Miller was present
that the Government would not renew his work permit, as it did not believe
he was the right person to chair the GBPA.
When asked whether there would be a replacement for
Mr. Babak, Sir Jack said there are no plans at the moment to replace him.
He said the Port Authority currently holds only one
work permit. He said the company's application for a second work permit for
the position of special projects was also denied.
"We have one work permit in our organisation (Graham
Torode, president of DEVCO), we have over 250 Bahamian employees and...I think
that's a hell of a good record," added Sir Jack.
"When we applied for another work permit for Chris
Johnston it was denied. We wanted him for special projects... to supervise
the bridge (construction). He is an engineer of 22 years with Hutchison Whampoa,
and he worked seven days and had to leave."
Sir Jack stressed that there is an urgent need for
an alternate bridge, as the Casuarina Bridge is now old and the only causeway
connecting Freeport and East Grand Bahama.
When asked his opinion on the state of the Grand
Bahama economy, Sir Jack said he hopes it is improving.
He noted that one of the hindrances has been the
high cost of power and frequent outages that have affected major businesses
on the island.
"We are doing our very best. I don't know that the
Government is doing their best," he commented.
"I like the building (the new government complex
under construction), I think it is terrific. We gave them the site free of
charge, but what they are doing to stimulate the economy, I don't know. We
are doing our very best."
A release from the US. Embassy says the following:
US government regulations now require all individuals
applying for US visas to submit DS-160 visa application forms that are fully
accurate and complete.
Individuals presenting applications containing omissions or errors in biographical
data (i.e. name, date of birth, and place of birth, passport number, any prior
or maiden names, gender) or purpose of travel, will be required to correct
the omissions and/or errors to their online applications before their interviews
can take place.
Those applicants will be asked to complete the corrections
and return to the US Embassy at a later time to complete processing of their
visa applications.
"We encourage international travel and regret any inconvenience
that these new regulations may entail. For the best possible customer service,
we strongly recommend you complete your own application form in order to guarantee
its accuracy," said the Embassy statement. "If you choose to have another
person complete your application on your behalf, we recommend that you personally
verify the accuracy of the information before the application is submitted
"Please note that biographical information in the DS-160
application form must match the information stated in your passport.
Please see our website (
for a complete step-by-step guide on how to apply for a visa at the US Embassy
in Nassau.
"We strive to provide better services for our visa customers.
Therefore, we have expanded the hours offered to individuals wishing to submit
application materials on behalf of minor children, 13 years of age and under.
Individuals who will submit application materials on behalf of minors may
now do so without a previously scheduled appointment (drop off) on Monday
and Tuesday afternoons from 1pm to 3pm, except for official holidays.
"Please note that applicants 14 years of age and older
with previously scheduled appointments may also submit applications for minor
children at the time of their own appointments.
The Embassy said it is still accepting mail-in application
materials for children under 14 via courier.
The requirements to use this service or find out additional
information about the US visa application process can be found on
Usually, we think that The Tribune columnist writes a “do
do full” load of drivel but we thought last week’s column on Dame Joan Sawyer,
the now departed President of the Court of Appeal was something with which
we could agree:
Dame Joan Sawyer was quoted in The Nassau Guardian
last week to the effect that her main purpose in life was to arrange a junket
to Nassau for a bunch of British judges in 2006 and again in 2007.
The meeting of the London-based Privy Council in
one of Her Majesty's lowliest former colonies has been previously described
as "historic", but now it has also been revealed to be divinely inspired.
And we should all be relieved to learn that the divinity in question is male.
Dame Joan, who was being interviewed on the occasion
of her retirement as president of the Bahamas Court of Appeal, informed readers
that God had spoken to her one night at 3 o'clock (in a masculine voice) to
confirm that she had achieved her mission in life - that mission being the
organisation of the judges' junket.
"I don't make plans for my life," Dame Joan confided.
"My life was given to me for a purpose. As far as that voice was concerned
I had fulfilled my purpose. I don't belong here (on earth)."
It is refreshing to know that one of our leading
judicial figures is on such familiar terms with the deity, and to hear that
she has no ambition in life other than to make travel arrangements for her
former colonial masters. With all the problems and deficiencies surrounding
our criminal justice system, we expected a more cogent and useful exit report.
Mellifluously described by the Guardian as "the diminutive
Dame with the pleasant demeanour," Joan Sawyer was our first female Bahamian
chief justice, and was appointed to head the appeal court in 2001. The Privy
Council is the highest court of appeal for the Bahamas.
What do you think?
Mario's Palace is a monument to the ingenuity of former
PLP Minister and MP Leslie Miller but also to his murdered son Mario whose
murder remains unsolved. The building is a six million dollar state-of-the-art
bowling alley and restaurant. Members of the PLP took the time out to
visit Mario's Palace as the special Christmas guests of the owner Leslie Miller.
Mario's Palace is located on the Tonique Williams Darling Highway and has
become a popular spot for families, Bahamians and visitors alike.
Photo/Athama Bowe
The BBC reports that the government of the Czech Republic
has had it up their necks with people seeking asylum in their country on the
basis that they are gay and therefore cannot go back to their home country
because they will be persecuted. They have come up with a test to see
whether you are straight or not. The BBC describes it as a “phallometric”
test. Here is the story:
Czech gay asylum 'phallometric test' criticised by EU
The EU's leading human rights agency has sharply criticised
the Czech authorities for using a controversial method of testing whether
homosexual asylum seekers are genuinely gay.
The Fundamental Rights Agency said the Czech Republic
was the only EU country still using a "sexual arousal" test.
Gay asylum seekers are hooked up to a machine that monitors
blood-flow to the penis and are then shown straight porn.
Those applicants who become aroused are denied asylum.
The agency said in a report that "it is dubious whether
[the test] reaches sufficiently clear conclusions".
It said the practice could violate the European Convention
on Human Rights "since this procedure touches upon a most intimate part of
an individual's private life".
The interior ministry reacted angrily to the claims,
saying that the "phallometric tests" had been used in fewer than 10 asylum
The tests were always conducted under the supervision
of experts, said the officials, and always with the asylum seeker's full written
The case first came to light after a German court refused
to deport an Iranian asylum seeker to the Czech Republic, saying as a homosexual
he would be subjected to the test.
The Czech government's human right's commissioner, meanwhile,
has described the phallometric tests as "undignified".
Forrester Carroll
on Wikileaks...
We will know, very soon, whether Mr. Gorman Bannister had the facts right
when he accused and published a dossier on a certain high ranking sitting
politician, in this country, of acts of treason allegedly committed during
the 1980s.
For a number of years, while publishing his “Black Belt” series, Mr. Bannister told the nation about, at least, two alleged traitors (one of whom was allegedly serving in the Pindling cabinet at the time) who were roaming freely, among our top crop of political leaders, in the 1980’s, who, he said, were complicit in providing certain sensitive, cabinet, information to United States Authorities.
Mr. Bannister, in an effort to prove the truth of what he had published, on more than one occasion, went as far as to boldly publish, what he claimed to be, actual letters written back and forth between these alleged conspirators and certain high ranking US Officials. All the documents seemed very authentic and what made the information more believable was the fact that Bannister dared the two accused (one he identified with the jailhouse number, given him by the U.S Authorities, as “C.I 1622” and the other “C.I 0842) to sue him for libel, but neither of the two alleged traitors dared to take action against him.
I said at the commencement of this article, that we will soon know whether Bannister was being truthful or not; and we will. The Nassau Guardian reported, in its Wednesday 1st December edition (front page story) that the now, very infamous, “Wiki Leaks” has 394 classified U.S. documents, on the Bahamas, to be released for public scrutiny within the next couple weeks. The documents apparently span the years 1966-2010. According to the news story, the United States Embassy has already taken the initiative to seek out Hubert Ingraham (in his capacity as the country’s CEO) to brief him on what, they seem to know already, will be coming down the pipe.
The Guardian story went on to suggest that certain aspects of the information, to be revealed, will be of a treasonous nature and those involved could be in for a whole heap of trouble. The only thing I would wish to say to Hubert Ingraham, and the person hiding behind the U.S jail tag number C.I 0842, at this point, is to remind them, both, that our parents always warned us that whatever we do in the dark will, assuredly, come out in the light. That it will be revealed and that if you are not alive, when it does, your children, or theirs, will certainly be around to suffer the embarrassment. In other words they warned us, like am warning you’ll, that whatever one does (good or bad) will become known; it is just the law of things.
C.I 1622 was the number by which the United States Authorities identified the main player, in the espionage plot, who was feeding them Pindling’s cabinet secrets. His nasty cohort was a civilian identified as C.I 0842. It was a nasty act of treason committed by two no good, traitors and I can’t wait for the documents to be released (in three weeks time they say), so all of us can know, finally for sure, the identity of these traitors.
While Gorman Bannister was hammering away at the culprits,
identified only as C.I 1622 and C.I 0842 by the United States Authorities,
trying to smoke the suckers out of their crab holes and begging them to sue
him, the country did not take Bannister or his disclosures very seriously.
We thought that Gorman was a crazy man; that no Bahamian-no matter how much
they hated Sir Lynden Pindling at the time-could run to a foreign government
with the country’s secrets; especially if the main player, in the plot, was
a cabinet minister, no less, sitting around the table like Judas, every Tuesday
morning, breaking bread with Sir Lynden, the man who gave him the cabinet
post in the first place.
Rt. Hon. Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling may be dead and gone but the truth will come out, finally, to exonerate him of all that he was falsely accused of and the suckers who bore the false accusations will be around, it seems, to face the music. If Gorman Bannister was right in his assertions and his identification of C.I. 1622, then the lead sucker is still alive, pontificating in high office and, God willing, will live at least until the next month or so, by which time his identity will be revealed. We will all then be able to look into the suckers’ drunken eyes and throw stones at them for their treasonous acts against our country. How low and nasty can one be, to sell ones country for a morsel?
I can only imagine the thoughts running through the nasty minds of the traitors when they heard the news from the U S Embassy officials. The United States Government themselves seem to be apologizing, in advance, for what they anticipate will be revealed and they seem also to be trying to mend the fences, of our mutually good relationship, which they expect to be strained when the news gets out, and the raw details known, in the Bahamian public domain.
The question for us now is; was Gorman Bannister correct in his identification of C.I 1622? If he was (and he was convinced that he was spot on) then the traitor is presently serving in high office in the government and will soon get his just desserts for his treachery.
“It is unclear when Wiki Leaks will release the documents
on the Bahamas, but questions about whether or not Bahamians committed treason,
via their involvement with the U.S Authorities, could arise if the documents
are made public,” the reporter opined. “The release of the documents, naming
Bahamians who secretly worked with the U.S. could be damning and dangerous
to those mentioned” unquote. Well I say bring it on, Wiki Leaks, and let the
chips fall where they may. We will then see who the traitors are.
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
FNMS Boasting About Buying The Election
The General Election widely expected to be called in the second half of next
year is going to be a scrap. If you are to judge by the Elizabeth bye-election,
the country is split down the middle and one third of the population is indifferent.
So each vote will be a scrap. The election can go either way.
The PLP has a strategy to win hearts and minds, the FNM’s strategy is to buy
the election. Sources close to the FNM's leadership say that there are
ten constituencies that the FNM has identified that it can buy and they intend
to spend the money to buy election 2011 or 2012. They remember the boast
of a former FNM fundraiser: “if the PLP thinks it saw money in the last election,
wait until the next one.”
Selling E Commerce In Abaco
Zhivargo Laing, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance was in Marsh
Abaco with a travelling road show on e government. The Ministry of Finance
is tasked with introducing e government to The Bahamas. The meeting
was mainly attended by public servants and by community leaders. Not
too many of the general public attended. Newly declared independent
candidate for South Abaco Roscoe Thompson was there. The Minister was
trotting out the familiar mantra that the government must be more responsive
to the people it governs and held out the expectation that come July 2011,
all you will have to do is sit in the comfort of your home no matter in which
part of the world you are or The Bahamas and pay your taxes, order a driver's
licence or a passport. We live in hope. He is still defending
the inadequate platform of; blaming its failures on the computers
of those who seek to access it. He should drop that. Even the
Prime Minster told the House that the site is simply unacceptable. Fox
Hill MP Fred Mitchell attended the meeting. The meeting was held on
Thursday 9th December at the Anglican Church Hall in Marsh Harbour.
Giving Out Toys In Fox Hill
MP for Fox Hill Fred Mitchell made his annual end of year appearance to give
his Christmas greeting to the children of the Sandilands Primary School.
Each child gets a toy and a snack. The distribution took place on Friday
10th December.
Photos/Dennis Fountain
The Town Meeting In Freeport On The Bahamar Project In Freeport
The Bahamar project is the multibillion dollar project slated to begin in
New Providence early next year to refurbish and redevelop Cable Beach.
So the question is why did the Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes and all the
FNM MPs for Grand Bahama and their retainers show up to a town meeting on
Monday 6th December in Grand Bahama to promote the jobs that the project will
offer for Bahamians? The crowd really wanted to know what does the FNM
have to offer in the way of developments and jobs in Grand Bahama. The
talk is that what Bahamar will do is strip Freeport of its population and
leave the economic and social situation even more precarious than it already
is and which is not being addressed by the FNM even though they hold 5 of
the 6 seats in Grand Bahama.
The Bahamas International Film Festival
Congratulations to Leslie Vanderpool, the indefatigable executive director
of the Bahamas International Film Festival. This year’s special award
went to actor Alan Arkin for his lifetime achievements in film. The
festival took place from 1st December to 5th December with the final night
showing the film The King’s Speech about the father of now British Queen Elizabeth
II who had a bad stammer when he became king and had to be taught to overcome
it. The photo shows the 2010 BIFF Spirit Of Freedom Narrative Award
Winner THE ATHLETE, Directed by Rasselas Lakew and Davey Frankel. (Photo,
Founder and Executive Director Leslie Vanderpool, Juror Hannah Fisher,Film
Director Rasselas Lakew, Juror Morris Ruskin and Juror Rani Sitty.) Also 2010
BIFF Winner for CONTACT ZONE, directed by Gustavius Smith
Photos/BIFF Media
Marvin Dames To Leave The Force
The street is suggesting that there is about to be a change in the Royal Bahamas
Police Force with Marvin Dames, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, slated
to leave the force for a high-powered security job at the Lynden Pindling
International Airport. Ironically, this is the same job that his family
savaged the PLP for giving him as Assistant Commissioner of Police.
Quinn McCartney, the Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, now serving
in Grand Bahama is slated to replace him as Deputy Commissioner.
Dame Marguerite Pindling: How Old?
Sir Lynden O. Pindling described her on his 25th wedding anniversary as a
princess. “She was a Princess when I married her and she is still a
princess”, he said. Here, she is with one of the young liberals who
goes by the Facebook nom de plume of Swagga Like Dat. She was born 26th
June 1932, which makes her, on her last birthday; you figure it out.
Christie On Parliament Street Show Today
The Leader of the PLP will appear on the radio show Parliament Street beginning
at 4 p.m. on Island FM with host Charles Carter. The phone lines will
open at 5 p.m.
Junior Junkanoo Winner
The winner of the annual Junior Junkanoo Parade this year was C.R. Walker
Snr. High School.
Aretha Franklin Is Ill
The press in the US is reporting that Aretha Franklin, the African American
singer, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the disease that killed
the Prime Minister of Barbados David Thompson earlier this year. The
disease does not have a high success or cure rate. Ms. Franklin made
her name with the signature tune Respect.
Blood For Etienne Farquharson PLP Stalwart
A call has gone out from Grand Bahama to help Etienne Farquharson who used
to be the main aide to Kendal Nottage when he was the MP for Grand Bahama.
Mr. Farquharson is to have heart bypass surgery and requires blood.
US Ambassador’s Party
The lawn of Liberty Overlook was resplendent and Christmassy as the US Ambassador
Nicole Avant and her husband Ted Sarandos hosted the Embassy’s annual Christmas
do. A great time was had by all on Saturday 11th December. Fred
Mitchell MP for Fox Hill, Opposition spokesman on Foreign Affairs attended
for the PLP along with Allyson Maynard Gibson, PLP leader in the Senate.
The photo shows Captain Paul Aranha, Kim Aranha, Ted Sorandos, US Ambassador
Avant and Fred Mitchell MP.
Photo/Derek Smith
Bostwick and Nottage Bury The Hatchet
Kendal Nottage was honoured by the Bar Association at their annual Christmas
luncheon on Friday 10th December. Mr. Nottage, who is recovering from
a serious stroke, was one of several honourees. Henry Bostwick spoke
on his behalf. It appears that despite the bitter exchanges between
them in the years when they were active politicians that has all now been
put aside to the surprise and delight of many.
Government Fails In Providing Stats
On 7th December, the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham gave a lousy excuse for
not being able to produce the unemployment statistics for the country.
He said that the Dept. of Statistics could not muster the manpower to do both
the census and the labour survey. What utter rubbish. The government
should have provided the wherewithal for them to do so. There are to
be no excuses. The fault therefore is Mr. Ingraham’s and his government.
This was the same man who in his 1995 Budget Communication spoke about the
critical need for statistical information. His party made a solemn pledge
to do something about it. 18 years later, they have failed. FNM;
the party of failure.
It is now official. The Government signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with Cable and Wireless to buy the controlling interest in
BTC, the Bahamian telephone company for 210 million dollars, fifty million
dollars less than the PLP would have sold 49 percent in the year 2007.
The PLP’s leader Perry Christie has called it a bad deal and said that the country has been shortchanged.
We call it an act of traitors. It is treachery of the worst kind. Those who vote for this divestment will be labelled traitors to The Bahamas. If you want to know what traitors look like, look no further than anyone who votes for the bill to divest BTC in this way.
The Trade Union for BTC has said that they do not support the deal and will do all they can to stop it. We applaud them for this and think that they ought to get cracking.
The PLP ought to be mobilizing public opinion against this fire sale of Bahamian assets to outside control without any thought of the wealth creating opportunities that this can provide for Bahamian entrepreneurs. It is simply sickening.
What we have is a politically blind, deaf, and dumb political directorate who are hell bent on destroying all that has been built up in the national patrimony.
Here you have a company that has built up 500 million dollars in equity over a generation of hard work and labour by Bahamians and one man and his government comes along and gives the asset away in one fell swoop never to be gotten back.
Thankfully, there is the example of Belize where the government has renationalized the company after a crooked deal went down with the last government for the sale of their national telephone company.
Perry Christie, it is over to you. Hubert Ingraham must be stopped. We are awaiting the call.
What we hear in the background is the chorus of Bahamians who are shouting out to Mr. Ingraham’s government: “Traitors! Traitors!”
Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 4th December up to midnight: 99,985.
Number of hits for the month of November up to Tuesday 30th November 2010 up to midnight: 540,947.
Number of hits for the year 2010 up to Saturday 4th December 2010
up to midnight: 7,460,208.
Michael Moss is supposed to be an educated and sensible
man. But he has allowed his political beliefs to get in the way of
sense and sensibility and decorum. Mr. Moss responded to a press
release last week by Bradley Roberts, the PLP's chairman, in which Mr.
Roberts questioned why Larry Smith who owns a media company was releasing
information about the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas on that media
company's stationery. Mr. Smith is a board member of the Corporation
and it appeared without more that his company had been hired to work for
the Corporation. Mr. Roberts was entirely correct to call the matter
into question. You may click
here for last week’s story.
Mr. Moss is the Chairman of the Corporation who
recently presided over the decimation of the staff of the Corporation for
political purposes. Mr. Moss called Mr. Roberts' comments asinine.
The remarks by Mr. Moss were clearly out of order and make him seem like
an ungracious ignoramus, as they would say in Jamaica; a butu. The
problem is that under Hubert Ingraham’s FNM we have this thug culture taking
over at all levels. What you have is people thinking that they can
get away with high handed, insulting and stupid comments that only make
them seem ignorant and yes asinine themselves.
Mr. Moss should not get too big for his britches
and so far forget himself as to step out of the role that he has as the
Chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation, a public entity and not the FNM
Chairmanship. If he wants to be FNM Chairman then he needs to run
against Carl Bethel, the present Chairman. Until then Mr. Moss should
learn to govern his tongue or someone will govern it for him.
Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie MP announced
in Exuma on the Island Breeze Radio show hosted by Dwight Hart that the
PLP believes that the decision by the Government under Hubert Ingraham
to sell the controlling interest in BTC, the phone company, is “a bad deal”
and the country “has been shortchanged”.
Mr. Christie said: “My colleagues and I will give
consideration to this over the next few days. But we left in place
a deal for 49 percent of BTC for 260 million dollars as compared to the
FNM selling the controlling interest in BTC, 51 percent and giving control
to foreigners… This is a bad deal. The country has been shortchanged.
“The control of BTC should be in the hands of the
people of The Bahamas. We did not think that we would go and sell
BTC's controlling interest to a foreign group that is why we purposefully
kept it below 50 per cent”, Mr. Christie said.
“Why would a government of The Bahamas want to sell
51 percent and get $50 million less and not understand that a special value
should go for that additional two percent? These people now have
total charge for the decision making once it is executed.”
One thing we know is that when Perry Christie or
any of the PLP’s leaders visit Exuma, there is a spontaneous and unrehearsed
outpouring of affection. Photos of Mr. Christie’s arrival at the
airport show some of that affection. Mr. Christie was visiting Exuma
for his appearance on the radio show Island Breeze Round Table on Thursday
2nd December.
The following article appeared in The Tribune of
3rd December. Our comment follows:
THE level of debate in the House of Assembly
has declined and the standard of members of parliament is not what it used
to be, lamented Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham yesterday.
Despite this Mr. Ingraham implied that the behaviour
of members in the Lower Chamber is not like some parliamentarians around
the world.
"I'd like to encourage you to watch some other
parliaments in the world. Sometimes we are very hard on ourselves but as
a general statement the membership of the House today is not of the standard
of the membership I met when I went to the House," said Mr. Ingraham, responding
to comments made by a member of the Rotary Club of West Nassau yesterday
over the private sector's displeasure at member's decorum in the House.
"Debate levels have deteriorated, they're not
what they used to be, now there are many reasons for that. I don't want
to get into it at this place, but when you vote next time take it into
account," he quipped.
[We hope that the person who asked the question takes the Prime Minister
at his word and votes him out of office. Mr. Ingraham has been the
leader of rudeness and boorishness in parliament. He must really
think that the people of this country are stupid to hear him make this
idle lament when he is the worst offender. One only has to remember
that he is constantly grumbling and bumbling during other people’s presentations
in the House of Assembly. He is the one who called the Leader of
the Opposition “wutless”. The Prime Minister ought to be ashamed
of himself. ---Editor]
Jennifer Dotson nee Isaacs (pictured), the head of the Union of Tertiary
Educators of The Bahamas was elected the new head of the National Trade
Union Congress (NCTU) on Wednesday 1st December. This is the umbrella
union for a number of trade unions in The Bahamas and holds the largest
membership of trade unionists. It is a first for the county, a female
head of the NCTU. Mrs. Dotson defeated John Pinder, the voluble head
of the Bahamas Public Services Union.
Mr. Pinder’s loyalty to the movement has been questioned
in that many people feel that he speaks with both sides of his mouth: loyal
to the FNM and paying lip service to the NCTU. There is also constant
speculation about his lobbying for the FNM’s nomination to run against
Fred Mitchell in Fox Hill. There was no comment on the loss from
Mr. Pinder who normally has a lot to say.
Mr. Pinder is also suffering from an attack on his
union by a group of customs and immigration officers who now have permission
to form their own union and are seeking a representation agreement from
the government to displace Mr. Pinder’s union as the representative for
customs and immigration.
Now we wait to see whether John Pinder will go into
a sulk after having lost the post as head of the NCTU and refuse to allow
his union to participate in its activities, further weakening the movement.
PLP Senator Michael Darville is working hard to
try and defeat the incumbent Kwasi Thompson in the Pineridge seat that
the FNM now holds in Grand Bahama. These photos of the meet the candidate
experience with Senator Darville in Freeport appeared on his Facebook page.
To show you how jacked up the FNM is, up until Michael
Barnett, now Sir Michael the Chief Justice, was the Attorney General, the
position of the FNM was that they were not creating any new Justices of
the Peace. Now they have changed their minds without a by your leave.
They have simply started giving them out. Not a word to Members of
Parliament whose constituents have been asking for them for years.
The report is that when the request came from Rodney
Moncur to the cabinet that Hubert Ingraham himself said “give that man
a JP”… which might be saying something else in this country about who supports
whom. Mr. Moncur is a civic activist, a political gadfly; as Paul
Adderley said, a peripatetic political jack-in-the-box; he is everywhere.
The self styled Mayor of Black Village and Chief of Countabutta is by the
stroke of the pen a Justice of the Peace and we have the photo to show
it as he was being sworn in by Roger Gomez the Chief Magistrate in November.
Mr. Moncur came to fame opposing the death penalty
in a group headed by Ed Moxey called the Freedom and Justice Society back
in the 1970s and is now on the street calling for the death penalty following
the murder of one of his relatives.
BIS photo/Derek Smith
A former athlete and now a successful photographer,
Fox Hill constituency resident Fabian Whyms is hosting this pageant.
We encourage all to support it.
Doris Strachan, a double amputee who is a long serving
member and supporter of the Progressive Liberal Party has been awarded
the Party’s highest honour as Stalwart Councillor. Fred Mitchell
MP for Fox Hill was deputized by the PLP’s Chairman Bradley Roberts to
present the Stalwart Councilor’s award and medal to Mrs. Strachan at her
home on Soldier Road south. The presentation was made on Sunday 28th
November. Former Senator Telathor Strachan, a leader in the straw
market and a friend of the honouree was present for the occasion to together
with two of her grandsons and her daughter.
Photo/Athama Bowe
It was a deal signed when Perry Christie was the
Prime Minister and he took his colleagues out to the airport to see how
the work was coming along at phase one of the 200 million dollar project.
The first phase is set to be completed and live by March 2011 and under
budget. The photo spread shows the group of PLP MPs led by Mr. Christie
on the tour.
Senator Allyson Maynard Gibson as President of the
IWF is received in Amman, Jordan on 25th November, 2010 at the Senate
by Speaker of the Senate, His Excellency Taher Al Masri (far left). Senator
Gibson was accompanied by IWF Jordan President Reem Badran (3rd from left),
who in the recent November 2010 elections in Jordan became the first woman
in Amman to win a seat in the Lower House of Parliament through direct
competition (as an Independent). Mrs. Badran is also the Head of the Investment
Committee/Arab Economic Council – Arab League. Also accompanying Senator
Gibson was IWF Board Member Haifa Fawzi Yousef Dia (far right) former Personal
Assistant to HRH Crown Prince Hassan, educational consultant to Aga Khan
Academies Unit and educational consultant to the Jordanian Parliament.
The widow of the late Dr. Cleveland Eneas and the
mother of Drs. Fritzi, Judson and Agreta; Muriel 'Fini' Eneas turned 90
on Saturday 4th December. She is the retired principal of St. Anne’s
Anglican School and a civic leader in her own right. Mrs. Eneas is
pictured at her birthday celebration above; below with son Dr. Cleveland
'Fritzi' Eneas, grandchildren and friends Mrs. Gertrude Burnside and Mrs.
Mildred Dillette; and seated, chatting with Mrs. Thelma McWeeney and friends,
at bottom.
Cost Rite Robbery
The successful armed robbery of Cost Rite was
facilitated by the one-way road. The police cannot safely travel south
and quickly deal with crime in the mall. From the time of conversion
of the traffic direction it was pointed out that this created a new security
This government is so deaf they do not listen
to themselves! They only listen to corrupting foreigners with money.
Now the gas station on the corner of Blue Hill Rd. and Robinson Rd., Superwash
and the other stores in that building, Kentucky on Robinson Rd are all
exposed to increased risks.
They will tell you to hire more security. Except
security is only another unarmed person to get shot and the cost of operation
goes up. These costs will be passed to the customer who lives on a fixed
income. The cost of everything is going up and the wages are not going
up. This is a breakdown of the working class.
Societal stability is based on the working class.
When we destroy the working class, we are in fact destroying society. The
government can still correct the mess on Blue Hill Rd. and Market St. but
huge egos stand in the way.
This government is actively working to make the
working class poor. This results in higher crime and societal instability.
And the official opposition is sooooo quiet.
We can do better. We need a real change.
Ethric Bowe
Pierre Dupuch bores a new hole in Brensil Rolle in writing about
the Exuma Land and Sea Park:
Desecration of the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park!
"We certainly do not agree with those who are
calling on the government or the BNT to trap people into owning valuable
and highly taxed land but not allow them reasonable access and use" - Bahamas
National Trust.
Those were the words of wisdom uttered by the
Bahamas National Trust in answer to public objections to permission granted
by Minister Earl Deveaux, the Minister of Environmental Destruction, for
the desecration of the Exuma Land and Sea Park. When I read them, my mind
flashed back fifty eight years to a banner which was hung on the wall in
the back of my high school's classroom which read: "It is better to keep
your mouth shut and let people think you're a fool, than to open it and
remove all doubt."
Everyone agrees that neither the government nor
the Bahamas National Trust, or anyone else for that matter, should "trap
people into owning valuable and highly taxed land ..."
In this case, who trapped whom into Bell Island?
The real estate agent - did he not tell the buyer of Bell Island about
the restrictions on the Island and the Exuma Land and Sea Park? I doubt
it. Was it the people at the Bahamas National Trust who failed to advise
the buyer? After all, they had to give their approval for the sale of the
land. I doubt it. Or, alas, did the Government, who had to give permission
for a foreigner to purchase the land, not tell the purchaser of the restrictions?
After all, the Exuma Land and Sea Park did not
just spring up from nowhere. If the folks at the Bahamas National Trust
would care to read the act, the coordinates of the Sea Park were made law
in 1959.
Forgetting the saying "buyers beware," the sale
of Bell Island was not just a land deal where only the real estate company
and the buyer was involved. Four entities had to be involved in the sale
of Bell Island - the buyer, the real estate broker, the government and
the Bahamas National Trust. I cannot believe that at least one of those
entities did not advise the buyer that there were restrictions.
I believe he was advised by all three local entities.
Many years ago, I bought land in Gleniston Gardens. I was told before I
bought it that there were certain restrictions. It was at that point that
I had to decide whether or not the restrictions were acceptable to me.
It was at that point I could have said "yes or no" to the purchase. These
restrictions were placed on it by the developer. The restrictions placed
on Bell Island and the Exuma Land and Sea Park were placed there by LAW.
In my last comment about Bell Island and the
Exuma Land and Sea Park, I said that Mrs. Lynn Holowesko was President
of the Bahamas National Trust when the Exuma Land and Sea Park was established.
I was wrong. The Sea Park was established in 1959 when Mrs. Holowesko was
still in school. For this, I apologize. She was, however, President of
the BNT from 1976 to 1982 and again from 1984 to 1991. During her terms
as President the restrictions about taking ones catch from the Park were
rigorously enforced, and as President she was a staunch defender of the
Land and Sea Park regulations.
Several days ago, Mr. Brensil Rolle said that
the Park should be "managed" better. What is he talking about? A warden
is already there and arrests anybody fishing in the Park. Unfortunately,
the warden doesn't police helicopters flying overhead apparently making
arrangements, in my opinion, to rape the park. It is best that Mr. Rolle
keep his mouth shut!!!
During the course of these articles, someone
wrote to say that the "little man" was not worried about what reef was
being destroyed, or lionfish, or sea cucumbers being taken from the sea
bed; the "little man" was worried about where the next job was coming from.
He was right and he was wrong. In the short run, he was right. His first
responsibility is to feed his family. But his responsibility does not stop
there; he must help decide where the children yet unborn, when we're six
feet under and pushing lilies, are going to find employment to feed their
If we allow developers to destroy our most valuable
asset now, which could provide for our yet unborn children, we will have
failed in our second responsibility and that is to leave this a better,
more productive place than we found it.
The Exuma Land and Sea Park is a valuable asset.
It could provide employment for generations to come. Its asset is beauty
that can be packaged and sold many times over and remain to be sold again.
There are only two such assets in the world and beauty is one of them.
To say that dredging over four areas of land,
fifteen feet deep, will not cause damage to the surrounding reef, change
the flow of water in the area and cause erosion is utter hogwash!!!! And
the Minister knows it.
Reasonable access? I am told that Bell Island
is on the edge of the park and that there is deep water on the other side.
Is that not reasonable access?
Or, is access and use not really the story here?
Several years ago, I was told that strip mining rock on these islands could
be a multi billion dollar business. I was told that there was a company
which will ... or already has ... made application to mine rock here under
the "guise" of tourism development. Rock mined from fresh water is even
more valuable. I understand further that applications have been made to
mine areas of fresh water in Andros and opening them to the sea, thus destroying
fresh water lenses in Andros.
When you strip mine, there is nothing left but
a hole. Do we want to leave our grand children an empty hole, a hole of
This whole sordid affair begs a number of questions:
1. Who was the public relations person or firm on the payroll of
the Bahamas National Trust when this "deal" at Bell Island and the Exuma
Sea Park was made?
2. What is the name or names of the companies doing the dredging
at Bell Island and the Exuma Sea Park?
3. Who are the owners (front room and back room) of these dredging
4. Where does the rock dredged from these sites go?
5. How many permits have been applied for and how many granted to
do this kind of mining in The Bahamas?
6. Does the government benefit financially from any of this?
7. Name the islands and the locations on the islands that have already
or are in the process of being mined.
8. Who commissioned the environmental impact study of the Park and
who paid for it?
I still smell a rat!!
My advice to Mr. Eric Carey at the Bahamas National
Trust is: Don’t be the fall guy ... just duck!!
By the way, what's happened to all these investigative
reporters running around here? Are they too busy looking through keyholes,
finding out who's sleeping with whom, or who's picking up whom in dark
Just asking.
Pierre V.L. Dupuch
November 17, 2010
Carroll Explains Customs Tariffs & Defends Small Aircraft Operators...
This FNM Administration and the one before it (1997-2002) have burdened
poor Bahamians with increased (direct and indirect) taxation, the likes
of which have never before been experienced, by Bahamians, in our Bahamas.
They are now demanding that local airline operators pay ten per cent (10%)
customs duties on aircrafts, parts and accessories imported, by them, retroactive
to 1995. In addition to being an illegal move it will accrue to further,
increased, cost to the travelling public. If the local airline operators
acquiesce to this illegal demand, who do you think will pay, ultimately?
You guessed it; you and I, of course.
In their 2008/2009 budget, the Ingraham Administration changed the entire customs tariff regime when they amalgamated the rate of stamp tax (at the time 7%) to that of the duty rates. In doing this the result was a drastic increase in the rates of customs duties, payable, on the various imports, into the country, especially for those Bahamians who shop, for the most part, and bring their purchases with them in their luggage. Bahamians, at large, are still at a loss as to the degree the effects of the increases have had on their households’ bottom line.
Shortly after the changes came into effect the PLP on Grand Bahama issued a press statement where yours truly was featured explaining, in some detail, how the FNM (contrary to what they were claiming that they were decreasing customs duties) had in fact increased customs duties astronomically. What they did, in fact, was eliminated (yes) the 2% stamp tax which was payable, up to 30th June 2008, on the food items (totalling160 they said) listed under the miscellaneous tariff headings found between chapters 01-21, of the tariff act, but what they didn’t tell you (but I did in our press release) was that while they did reduce those 160 items by 2%, simultaneously, they increased the remaining, estimated 160,000 items listed in chapters 22-97 by 10%-18%. Mr. Know-it-all, Zhivargo Laing, in his rebuttal took issue with me exposing their fraud and publicly accused me of being; quote, “politically mischievous.” He never gave regard to the facts, as I explained them, mind you, nor did he give me credit for knowing more about these matters than he, Ingraham and his brother-in-law (all three) put together. He just jumped on the political band wagon and trivialized what I explained as, simply, political mischief. Ingraham certainly taught him, well, how to bull-skate his way out these hot spots and to lie and deceive his way out of truthful accusations hurled against him.
Up to June 30th 2008 a returning resident, paying customs duties on say shirts, pants and dresses, would have paid at the rate of 25%. On the very next day (1st July 2008), when the budget took effect, due to the major tariff regime changes that fiscal year, the tariff rate on those same items automatically increased to 35%. You are now wondering how come, right?
Well when Ingraham and Laing amalgamated the 7% stamp tax into the duty rate and then round up the 7% to 10% it became part of the duty rate and the law, that exempted the passenger with accompanied dutiable items in his or her luggage up to June 30th 2008, fell away; hence the automatic 10% increase. The 7% stamp tax was payable only when the submission of customs C-13 forms were required when declaring imports for the payment of customs duties, but in the case of passengers arriving by air or sea, the forms were not required, by law, and therefore the 7% was not payable. Ingraham’s tariff regime changes brought about that critical change, as well, making it 10% more expensive for poor Bahamians who, for the most part, go away to shop and bring their purchases with them on the plane or boat.
Then there were items like Lubricating oils, which attracted the rate of 27%, up to June 30th 2008, which saw an increase of 18% to the 45% it still is today and you are wondering why motor oil is so expensive? Wonder no more. The duo (Laing and Ingraham) failed, intentionally as well, to tell the public of these increases but chose rather to lie, deceive and to insist that I was being politically mischievous when I explained the facts, in our press release. Laing and Ingraham only wanted you to know about the lousy 2% they eliminated from the 160 items, which they kept bragging about, but not a word, to you, about the 10%-18% increases on the remaining 160,000 items of the headings found under chapters 22-97 of the tariff act.
“We were hoodwinked,” would have been the term we used, when growing up, in describing how we were deceived by this FNM Government. They told us the little that we wanted to hear but the real truth of what they did to us they kept silent. When I exposed them, though, they took a swipe at my good character. I challenged Laing and Ingraham at the time, with the facts, and I challenge them now, to show me where I was wrong and where they were right (the deceitful *&!#).
We have barely gotten over that shock when in the budget, passed
this year for (2010/2011); they increased the tariff rates again; only
this time the average increases are more drastic, on all vehicles and heavy
equipment, of around 30%. Not only that but the suckers have increased
our drivers licence fees, as well, by $5 per year and the vehicle inspection
fees by $10. Fees on documents, to be stamped by the treasury, have increased
by almost 300%, and if you wish to file a document with the courts, I am
told, you will be required to pay a small fortune (they increased the fee
from 9$ to $300) due to this FNM’s increased taxation exercise.
But to refocus our attention on the local Bahamian Airline Operators’
dilemma, I am happy to have been told that they have banded themselves
together and have engaged the services of legal counsel to fight this customs
decision to go after them for 10% retroactive customs duties. If they fail
to fight and the decision is allowed to stand many of the small carriers,
which we have come to rely heavily upon for an “on time” travelling experience,
will be put out of business. I have privately offered (and now publicly
do so) any advice legal counsel may need in fully understanding aspects
of the tariff which puts, in my view, the local carriers in good stead
to win this argument against Ingraham, who is the real culprit behind this
move by the Comptroller of Customs.
I have some questions though, for the comptroller of customs, regarding his legal position on this matter and as to how his department proposes to handle these aircraft with respect to the paperwork (if he is able to get the operators to pay what he is asking) when they fly back and forth-in and out of the country. Will he require an export entry, to be submitted, each time they fly out of the Bahamas and an import entry when they fly back in? Suppose a carrier makes multiple trips, overseas, each day for seven days each week; will the comptroller require them to submit multiple export/import entries each time they file a flight plan and make a flight (which will be the only legal way of handling them when they fly in and out)? Are you beginning to see, now, how stupid an idea this is that he (comptroller) has begun to pursue?
According to the newspapers, the comptroller has threatened the operators to confiscate their aircrafts if they fail to pay the duties called for, within the next two weeks, but I say to the operators don’t pay a damn red cent; let him, Laing and Ingraham(who gave him the instructions in the first place to target you all) confiscate the crafts. Better still, why don’t you operators suspend your operations; fly all your aircraft out to Opa Locka Fla or somewhere else and leave them there until Ingraham finds his senses. The Operators, according to the media, have apparently appealed to Ingraham but what good will that do I ask, when in fact it was Ingraham himself who instructed the comptroller to go after you in the first place. Do you think, for one minute, that Gomez (comptroller) would have the testicles to take such a position, on his own, without the concurrence of Ingraham himself? Come on guys; think, this man is only a puppet-on-a-string and has been ever since he was planted in the comptroller’s chair, by Hubert Ingraham, to do his dutty work.
Has the comptroller told Sky Bahamas or Westin Air or Regional Air or any of the other private operators how much money is owed by each carrier? Do you wish to know why he hasn’t told you? Because he has no information; he has no records; he has nothing; all he was told to do was to shoot an arrow in the dark; he did and now Ingraham thinks that the arrow has hit its mark and he hopes that you operators will be frightened enough to go to customs and throw yourselves at their mercy but I repeat my advice; you owe Ingraham nothing and you should pay him exactly that-nothing.
I am fully aware of what the tariff says about the 10% customs duties payable, but this came about only as a result of Ingraham making all the changes to the tariff act, in his and Laing’s 2008/2009 budget. Prior to July 1st 2008, Aircrafts, their parts, tires and all accessories were always allowed to be imported duty free unless, of course, a unit was shipped into the country as cargo, in which case the 7% stamp tax would have been levied. Quite frankly I am convinced that this is another one of those many errors occurring with the tariff changes, which Laing and Ingraham overlooked when they hurriedly implemented without thinking things through, as in the case of Bibles and other printed books which they eventually got around to correcting after being shamed by the public outcry. Besides legislation cannot be enforced (except in very special circumstances) retroactively I am told, by those persons more knowledgeable in legal matters than I am. And so in this circumstance (legally), customs will not be able to go back to 1995, as they have threatened the local airline operators that they intend to do. The law is not on their side, I am advised, for their retroactive claim for, as I said before, on importation aircrafts and all accessories were legally duty free up to June 30th 2008. I am further advised that none of the operators, in the country, have imported any new orders of aircrafts since July 1st 2008 and therefore not in breach of any customs laws and have no case to answer. Bahamas Customs have no case to put against them either and no money to collect from them. All aircraft, I am told, have been in the operators’ possession long before 2008, so there. If the comptroller persists, will he also go after those long time residents who live here for many months in the year as winter or part time residents and who keep their private aircraft here for all that time? Many of them leave their planes here and fly back and forth, at times, and commercially. Are you going to go after them as well Mr. Comptroller/Hubert Ingraham/Zhivargo Laing?
I read the silly answer that Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace gave the reporter, who asked him about the possible effects the Customs Comptroller’s demand if adhered to would have on the tourist trade; he said something to the effect that any prudent business person would provide for the payment of such expenses in their company’s budget. Ingraham was just as asinine, in his stupid response, when he was asked; he told the reporter, in essence, that no one is above the law. What he meant to say is (I am sure) that no one except him is above the law. He is right about no one being above the law, though, and that is why I say to the local private airline operators, in the country, that they don’t owe Bahamas Customs a damn red copper and not to succumb to this desperate threat from the Ingraham, revenue-starved, Administration. They are simply desperate for money and they are turning over all the rocks they can find to see what they can get; by hook or by crook. If, however, there were airplanes imported after July 1st 2008, according to the customs tariff (which I contend is really an error which was not corrected when they corrected the duty error on the Bibles) 10% of the landed value of each would have been payable at the time of importation, but I am assured that there were none imported after the coming into effect of the budget changes of July 1st 2008. The PLP government will fix this mess, though, when we take office in 2011 or 2012 after the bell rings for the next election. Aircraft, their parts and the accessories should all be allowed to be imported completely duty free as they have been all through the 30 years that the PLP governed the country and will be again.
I perceive that desperation, for revenue, has set in and it is driving
Ingraham up the wall. He will try anything to get more revenue dollars
into the treasury but there is no more to be had, Hubert. Like a wounded
lion, he will do all sorts of nonsense to stay alive but you are political
dead meat, Hubert Ingraham. There is no more juice in this orange, so you
might as well stop squeezing. They’ve (Ingraham and Laing) been trying
to squeeze Port Authority Licensees, in Freeport, using similar tactics,
in breach of the Hawksbill Creek Agreement but found that we were not going
to sit and allow the likes of him (Ingraham) and Laing to take advantage
of us. Now they are trying to put you small, very dependable, commuter
airlines completely out of business but their threats, in this regard,
will fail as well. Desperation will cause a desperate fool to do crazy
things like give away BTC for a mere pittance.
Forrester J. Carroll J.P.
Freeport, Grand Bahama
NDP Convention
The National Democratic Party, the latest attempt by non-PLP and non
UBP Bahamians, to start a successful third party movement, held its convention
with a lot of fanfare and even a live broadcast on Wednesday 1st December
at Worker’s House. The new leader of the party is Renward Wells,
who is a civil servant, and who has been warned reportedly by the Prime
Minister that the rules call for him to resign from the public service
once he takes on the leadership role. The Deputy Leader is economist
Lynden Nairn.
Customs Madness On Airplanes
The small new and developing private airline business in The Bahamas
received a body blow last week when they all received letters telling them
that they have fourteen days to pay up ten percent duty on importing their
planes into The Bahamas. For some this will mean an unexpected bill
of as high as $400,000 that must be found within fourteen days. They
have appealed to Customs for time to pay but the Customs Controller has
reportedly told them that the Prime Minister says that they must pay and
pay now, because the government is desperate for the money. The law
has been on the books, Customs argues, but unenforced until now.
Randy Butler, who owns and runs Sky Bahamas, said that if Customs goes
ahead with their plan, the local domestic airline industry would shut down.
The irony is that the planes are leased in many instances so these companies
will be paying duty on planes that they do not actually own.
[Forrester Carroll tackles this issue today - click
Grouper Season Closed
The government has announced that there is a closed season for the
Nassau Grouper throughout the entire country beginning 1st December 2010
and ending 28th February 2011. The closed season is an innovation
of the Marine Resources Department that it is hoped will help save the
last aggregating and spawning grouper population in the Caribbean region.
All the other populations have collapsed. The fishermen argue that
the scientists are wrong. They also add that the ban is unenforceable
against anyone but Bahamians and that fishermen from Santo Domingo are
continuing to take the fish off the Bahama banks without the Royal Bahamas
Defence Force being able to stop them.
Attorney General’s Website
Attorney General John Delaney announced during the past week that his
office has started a new website that will be the official website of the
Office of the Attorney General. They are using
The new site went live on 1st December.
E Passport News
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration on Wednesday, December
1, 2010 officially launched its E-Calendar, an online application for Bahamians
to apply for their E-passport and make an appointment for enrolment at
the Passport Office. The process is aimed at reducing the timeframe
in which an E-passport is processed and issued. Applicants can log
on to fill out the application and submit
it to the Passport Office in New Providence. The Ministry says that
they are now down to two weeks in terms of delivery of a passport.
New African Judge
The Hon. Abduial Conteh (left) is pictured being sworn in as a Justice
of the Court of Appeal by Governor-General Sir Arthur Foulkes on Monday,
29th November 2010, in the drawing room at Government House. Mr.
Justice of Appeal Conteh is from Sierra Leone but comes to The Bahamas
from Belize where he served in the Court of Appeal.
World Aids Day
Wednesday 1st December was World Aids Day. There was a church
service at Sacred Heart Catholic Church attended by officials and schoolchildren
to mark the day sponsored by the AIDS Secretariat and the AIDS Foundation.
Fr. Mel Taylor presided.
One Policeman Shoots Another
The Nassau Guardian reported on Friday 3rd December that a police inspector
attached to the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) was in critical condition at
Doctors Hospital on 2nd December after he was accidentally shot in the
chest by another police officer. Inspector Archie Miller was shot
around 5 a.m. during a police operation in southwestern New Providence.
Assistant Commissioner Hulan Hanna said surgery was performed on the officer
and he remained at the Intensive Care Unit at Doctors Hospital. Hanna
did not name the officer who shot Inspector Miller, but described the shooting
as accidental. This is the second officer to be shot in less than
a month. The scuttlebutt is that the officer who shot the other officer
was asleep in the police car and when the shot officer went to the car
and tapped on the window, the officer in the car took out his service revolver
and shot the officer outside.
Wind Power For Freeport
The Canadian Energy company Emera that up to last week owned only 25
percent in the Freeport Power Company has now purchased the holdings of
the St. George family in the company from 41 million dollars. The
press says that this makes them the majority shareholder. The company
was said to have read the riot act to Freeport Power about the continued
and embarrassing power cuts to Freeport. The promise is that all
of that may stop, as there is investment in new equipment including a promise
of converting Freeport’s power supply to wind power.
Murders Continue and Continue
The murders continue in The Bahamas to set records. Last week,
the country passed another gruesome milestone, exceeding the 88-murder
mark set as the highest ever last year. The count now stands at 91.
Hubert Ingraham lied to the country while on radio Love 97 last week when
he claimed that when he left office the number of murders was 41.
In fact, when he left office, 2001 was up to then the highest ever number
of murders in a year.
The US Leaked Documents And The Bahamas
Bahamians are waiting with great expectations to see what the United
States authorities thought of our leaders during the period 1966 to 2010.
The Wikileaks website has announced that they have cables from the US State
Department that were heretofore secret about amongst other countries The
Bahamas. The Guardian carried the story with banner headlines during
the past week. The blogs have been predicting that they will confirm
that Hubert Ingraham worked for the US government when he was in Opposition.
Some have suggested that Cable Bahamas may be blocking the ability of Bahamians
to get to the Wikileaks site.
Widespread Wiretapping By Police Of Politicians?
We have reports that there is widespread wiretapping of politicians
and civil society leaders in The Bahamas at the behest of the leaders of
the Free National Movement in Government. One police source said
that it is unbelievable what they are doing listening in on people’s conversations.
This comes on the heels of reports from the Prime Minister of Trinidad
and Tobago that her predecessors approved the tapping of the phones of
leaders of the country including herself when she was leader of the Opposition
and the President of the country.
Dominica To Have General Elections
Prime Minister Arthur Skerritt of Dominica has called a General Election
for 18th December. This is the second General Election in the region.
The other General Election is being held in St. Vincent where Ralph Gonsalves
is seeking a third term as Prime Minister.
Bar Association Seminar
The Bahamas Bar Council sponsored a seminar on the proposed new rules
of the Supreme Court, which are to come into effect next year. The
rules seem unnecessarily complicated for an exercise that is supposed to
make litigation cheaper, faster and more just. The experience in
Barbados is that it is a nightmare of bureaucracy. The seminar was
held at the British Colonial Hilton on Friday 3rd December.
Threatening Letter From Louis Bacon’s Lawyers
We have received a letter from the host server of this website threatening
legal action if the story about Louis Bacon, the rich guy out at Lyford
Cay in The Bahamas who is in a fight with Peter Nygard another rich guy
in the ghetto for the rich called Lyford Cay in The Bahamas is not taken
off the site. The lawyers of Mr. Bacon were particularly exercised
about certain allegations that were made in a story run by the Daily Mail
and the link to the Daily Mail. We do not believe that this is like
China where you rewrite the history of something that is already uploaded
and published but, given the legal threats, it is probably advisable that
we take the link off and we have. In any event, we never warrant
the truth of what other sites say but only assert that this is what they
Pastor Timothy Stuarts Anniversary
Calvin Butt of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York was
the guest preacher at the 28th anniversary service of Rev. Timothy Stewart
at Bethel Baptist Church, Nassau today.